Which list of transaction statuses is correct for what the API returns?
This one: https://developer.authorize.net/api/reference/index.html#transaction-reporting-get-transaction-list (listed under RESPONSE FIELD DESCRIPTION > transactionStatus)
Or this one: https://support.authorize.net/s/article/What-Are-the-Possible-Transaction-Statuses
Is this correct below? List of possible transaction status (I am assuming only final statuses are returned by the settled endpoint):
Is this list correct with the notes?
12-14-2021 07:31 AM
12-16-2021 03:50 PM
Ok, so the list for the value transactionStatus on the API document page is the source of truth for the API.
Now, is settledSuccessfully the only status where money has gone into the merchant account? All other statuses are "failures"?
Or are some of the statuses transient even though they are settled?
12-17-2021 07:36 AM