I am attempting to integrate Credit Card processing into the MS Access application that drives my customer's Hose and Tool Rental business. I have run into issues with the following procedure:
Public Sub CCPriorAuthChg()
Dim Post_Url
Post_Url = GetPostURL(CCEnvironment)
Dim post_string As String
Dim post_response As String
Dim MerchLogin As String
Dim MerchTransKey As String
MerchLogin = CCMerchantLogin(CCEnvironment)
MerchTransKey = CCMerchantKey(CCEnvironment)
'the API Login ID and Transaction Key must be replaced with valid values
post_string = ""
post_string = post_string & "x_login=" & UrlEncode(MerchLogin) & "&"
post_string = post_string & "x_tran_key=" & UrlEncode(MerchTransKey) & "&"
post_string = post_string & "x_delim_data=" & UrlEncode("TRUE") & "&"
post_string = post_string & "x_delim_char=" & UrlEncode("|") & "&"
post_string = post_string & "x_relay_response=" & UrlEncode("FALSE") & "&"
post_string = post_string & "x_type=" & UrlEncode("PRIOR_AUTH_CAPTURE") & "&"
post_string = post_string & "x_method=" & UrlEncode("CC") & "&"
post_string = post_string & "x_TransId=" & UrlEncode(Me.CCTransCode) & "&"
post_string = post_string & "x_refTransId=" & UrlEncode(Me.CCNetworkTransCode) & "&"
post_string = post_string & "x_amount=" & UrlEncode(Me.PmtAmount) & "&" ''''''
post_string = post_string & "x_currencyCode=" & UrlEncode("USD") & "&"
' Additional fields can be added here as outlined in the AIM integration
post_string = post_string & "x_originalNetworkTransId=" & UrlEncode(Me.CCNetworkTransCode) & "&"
post_string = post_string & "x_originalAuthAmount=" & UrlEncode(Me.PmtAmount) & "&"
post_string = Left(post_string, Len(post_string) - 1)
' We use xmlHTTP to submit the input values and record the response
'Dim objRequest As New ActiveXObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.6.
Dim objRequest As MSXML2.XMLHTTP
Set objRequest = New MSXML2.XMLHTTP
objRequest.send post_string
post_response = objRequest.responseText
Set objRequest = Nothing
' the response string is broken into an array using the specified delimiting character
Dim response_array '(100) As Variant
response_array = Split(post_response, "|", -1)
Me.CCResultCode = response_array(3)
Me.CCAuthCode = response_array(4)
Me.CCTransCode = response_array(7)
Me.CCNetworkTransCode = response_array(68)
Me.CCResultParseCode = post_response
Me.Notes = "The previous Authorization Only record was converted to a charge"
End Sub
Any assistance that you can provide is appreciated, including how to convert the AIM x_.... references to the current API call.