After successful ARB transaction,automatic recuiring will perform but if the user credit card has expired,his subscription will also get expired then how my website will know that this particular subscription is expired & stop providing services to him/her.Is arb reply after 2nd or other recurring billing is successfull of particular subscription?how?
06-18-2014 10:04 PM
We use Silent Post URL to get notification of payments which fail (or succeed).
06-18-2014 11:45 PM
Is Silent post url send me the subscription_id of expired subscription after any recuring billing?
How to use Silent Post url?
06-19-2014 02:32 AM - edited 06-19-2014 02:33 AM
Silent post is for getting transaction result. You will have to check the ARB status.
read the doc http://developer.authorize.net/api/arb/
06-19-2014 04:21 AM - edited 06-19-2014 04:22 AM
Using Authorize.net's WebHooks API, the following notifications for subscriptions payments are available.
{ "name": "net.authorize.customer.subscription.cancelled" }, { "name": "net.authorize.customer.subscription.created" }, { "name": "net.authorize.customer.subscription.expiring" }, { "name": "net.authorize.customer.subscription.suspended" }, { "name": "net.authorize.customer.subscription.terminated" }, { "name": "net.authorize.customer.subscription.updated" }
To create a webhook, send a POST to the Authorize.Net /webhooks endpoint. Declare a secure URL hosted on your server to receive the webhook messages, and list the event types that you wish to enroll in. The URL cannot contain any white space or special characters. Only dot, hyphen, underscore, forward-slash, numbers, and letters are allowed.
05-28-2020 04:12 AM - edited 05-28-2020 04:13 AM