Integration and Testing

Authorize.Net API questions and help with your payment integration.

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Recorded Developer Webinars Pinned

Please find the links of our recorded developer Webinars Simplify PCI Compliance with Authorize.Net Accept Learn about Authorize.Net API Integration with OAuth 2.0 Creating Automated Workflows Using Authorize.Net Webhooks Thanks Anurag


API / Features documentation Pinned

Use the features you want to build the payment solution you need. You'll be up and running in minutes. Features : SDKS : API reference :


Use Try It Tab for testing APIs on sandbox Pinned

You can test APIs from our Try it Tab in API reference on sandbox without signup Click on the Try it tab and click send .


Use Testing Guide for Specific Transaction Responses Pinned

Using the Testing Guide, developers can trigger specific transaction responses in the sandbox including approvals, declines, errors, as well as AVS and Card Code responses. If you have questions or comments, please use this thread.


MD5 Hash - PHP - SDK - I'm sorta confused ... Solved

What I've currently got in place isn't too complicated.Basically, in total it's a simple relay-response:That's IT.I'm sorta confused about depreciated things, end of life things, and the MD5 end of life ...It doesn't appear that I'm using the hash to...

Capturing IPs with Hosted Payments

Previously, when using the DIRECT API to process CCs, the IP address of the transaction was saved. Now that we are using the HOSTED solution, this information is not. Why? The IFRAME should retain the customer's browsers IP, and should store...

Capturing IPs with Hosted Payments

Previously, when using the DIRECT API to process CCs, the IP address of the transaction was saved. Now that we are using the HOSTED solution, this information is not. Why? The IFRAME should retain the customer's browsers IP, and should store...

Upload Transaction Credit Card Failure

I built a converter for some of my users to use, that will take our list of customers to charge for the day from an XLSX file to a approved CSV file. I have this working for the most part, but I am having one issue. Reading documentation for the tran...

Intermittent Transaction Error Notification after Signature Key

We recently updated our site to support Signature Key. Afterwards, we get Intermittent transaction Error Notifications saying Your script timed out while we were trying to post transaction results to it. About 1/10 transactions fail. We have other we...

Request 'Get Merchant Details' is not working in Sandbox

Hello, When I execute the getMerchantDetailsRequest request in c# with the latest nuget package (AuthorizeNet version 2.0.1) it always fails with this error. "There is an error in XML document (1, 40)." I copied the code from your API documentation: ...

Potential Hosted Payment Page Bug

I have been running into some issues in getting a hosted payment page to work in sandbox mode, and am hard-pressed to find any explantion besides that it might be a bug. I've been able to request a auth token and redirect to the hoseted payment page ...


Customer Email Receipt for Authorization Only Transaction

Hi there, I'm wondering whether it is possible to skip sending email receipt for particular type of transaction? Scenario that we are having is next: Prior to creation of recurring subscription we are making sure customer's credit card is valid and w...

Accept.js and Card Code value

We are using the accept.js credit card form to enter credit card data and receive back the nonce. Once we have the nonce, we have 2 possible workflows. One is for using the nonce to submit an immediate payment (what we call a one-time payment in our ...



DATA [^^TRUE^^^^^^CC^^122.50^^Kenneth^Hammond^800 Shoreline Rd ^Kernes^TX^75144^USA^903 574 4957^^^^^^^^^^^33:39073:71870^] SIG KEY [312DB4F3973FA6BDE46ACB84E563FE6DD03AECFA26DBEADF231D8B322CBA66FD7CBEB8031F9EA621152718235C7FB060C4A44E...


Accept Hosted Page Redirect - How to get response data Solved

Hi, I have used the accept hosted page and integrated it as a redirect. I am using C# as the web API and angular for my UI.. after the payment is completed, how do i get the transaction response from the hosted page?

Woocommerce AIM - New SHA512 Requirements Solved

I'm stuck...We are using BlueHost with a VPS. When advised they were moving away from MD5 and upgrading to SHA512, I contacted BlueHost support to find out what I need to do.I was told our VPS was using MD5 as the password hash. And, they wo...


.Net 2.2 Core SDK Supoort?

Hi Is there an sdk library that will with .net core? I only can find posts from 2016 that seem to suggest it is not supported(though there is some work arounds to get it to work). I also found this beta software:


Accept hosted payment page using angular 7 example???

Hi all, I am new to development in and angular and i am trying to integrate the accept ui hosted payment page into our site using angular. I cannot get it to work as the instructions show javascript which cannot be done in Angular (as far as i...

Get a Transaction ID for a subscription

When creating a subscription (using the Java SDK) you only get back the subscription ID. This ID is useless if you want to do the following: Create a Webhook to listen for payments, because the payload ID is the transaction ID, not the subscription I...


Timestamp and time zone clarification Solved

I need some clarification on how timestamps work because I am getting an error 97. We are using the SIM integration. On a clients web server they are experiencing this problem. Their web server time zone is set to GMT with daylight savings ticked. As...

in person ios sdk . Invalid input error code 18

HeyI was able to login successfully, however when i try to charge an account, i keep gettingError CodeTransaction failed, invalid input.Error Code 18Code-(void)mobileDeviceLoginSucceeded:(MobileDeviceLoginResponse *)response{NSString *sessionToken=[r...

Sha-512 hash mismatch

Hi,SHA-512 hash mismatch when we enter non-ascii characters in the hosted payment page fields such as Firstname, lastname and address.Example from Sandbox testing:Tested with following card information: Card number: 4111111111111111 Expiry:1222 CVV: ...

Error E00027 I'm facing

Whenever we are doing the payment from the local machine with the API call payment is done even if there are decimal values like $123.09But whenever we are trying to do the payment using the live code there is an error when the value is $123.09It acc...

.net core support for echeck and credit card payments

Can someone provide the status of .net core support for echeck? I have a .net core 2.2 web project and we have the AuthorizeNet 2.0.1 as a project reference. There is a warning "This package may not be fully compatible with your project" Please advis...

Mobile Web App with Card Present Card Reader

I do not see any messages related directly to this. Square has the ability to integrate directly with a mobile web app. Looking for same feature from Auth.Net. I have a web app designed to work responsively on mobile. I handle all customer checkout u...



I get the error message below in the console.log using Chrome browser. 1) The token is received correctly.2) When the page returns from it has nothing but Order Summary on it and the following error message ...