We just updated our site to use the Accept URL's to return the hosted payment form instead of the depricated Hosted CIM form. With this change, we are now seeing that "Bank Account" is an option on the form in addition to Credit Card. We need to remove the "Bank Account" option.
I see that this can be done using the hostedPaymentPaymentOptions, but I don't see anywhere in our code that we could set this. We are not actually calling getHostedPaymentPageRequest... we have a javascript file that is setting the action on our form (hosted in an iFrame) and basically just submitting the form, so I don't see anywhere we can actually pass the option to suppress the bank account.
Below is the javascript file we use to handle the payment form (and other popups):
/* Usage: <script type="text/javascript" src="contentx/popup.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ // Uncomment this line if eCheck is enabled. This does not affect functionality, only the initial sizing of the popup page for add payment. //AuthorizeNetPopup.options.eCheckEnabled = true; // Uncomment these lines to define a function that will be called when the popup is closed. // For example, you may want to refresh your page and/or call the GetCustomerProfile API method from your server. //AuthorizeNetPopup.options.onPopupClosed = function() { // your code here. //}; // Uncomment this line if you do not have absolutely positioned elements on your page that can obstruct the view of the popup. // This can speed up the processing of the page slightly. //AuthorizeNetPopup.options.skipZIndexCheck = true; // Uncomment this line to use test.authorize.net instead of secure.authorize.net. //AuthorizeNetPopup.options.useTestEnvironment = true; //]]> </script> */ (function () { try { if (!window.AuthorizeNetPopup) window.AuthorizeNetPopup = {}; if (!AuthorizeNetPopup.options) AuthorizeNetPopup.options = { onPopupClosed: null, eCheckEnabled: false, skipZIndexCheck: false, useTestEnvironment: false }; AuthorizeNetPopup.options.eCheckEnabled = false; AuthorizeNetPopup.closePopup = function () { document.getElementById("divAuthorizeNetPopupScreen").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("divAuthorizeNetPopup").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("iframeAuthorizeNet").src="contentx/empty.html"; if (AuthorizeNetPopup.options.onPopupClosed) AuthorizeNetPopup.options.onPopupClosed(); }; AuthorizeNetPopup.openManagePopup = function() { openSpecificPopup({ action: "manage" }); }; AuthorizeNetPopup.openAddPaymentPopup = function () { openSpecificPopup({ action: "addPayment", paymentProfileId: "new" }); }; AuthorizeNetPopup.openEditPaymentPopup = function(paymentProfileId) { openSpecificPopup({ action: "editPayment", paymentProfileId: paymentProfileId }); }; AuthorizeNetPopup.openAddShippingPopup = function() { openSpecificPopup({ action: "addShipping", shippingAddressId: "new" }); }; AuthorizeNetPopup.openEditShippingPopup = function(shippingAddressId) { openSpecificPopup({ action: "editShipping", shippingAddressId: shippingAddressId }); }; AuthorizeNetPopup.onReceiveCommunication = function(querystr) { var params = parseQueryString(querystr); switch (params["action"]) { case "successfulSave": AuthorizeNetPopup.closePopup(); break; case "cancel": AuthorizeNetPopup.closePopup(); break; case "resizeWindow": var w = parseInt(params["width"]) + 0; var h = parseInt(params["height"]) + 0; var ifrm = document.getElementById("iframeAuthorizeNet"); ifrm.style.width = w.toString() + "px"; ifrm.style.height = h.toString() + "px"; var modal = document.getElementById("payment-modal"); modal.style.width = w.toString() + "px"; centerPopup(); adjustPopupScreen(); break; } }; function openSpecificPopup(opt) { try { var popup = document.getElementById("divAuthorizeNetPopup"); var popupScreen = document.getElementById("divAuthorizeNetPopupScreen"); var ifrm = document.getElementById("iframeAuthorizeNet"); var form = document.forms["formAuthorizeNetPopup"]; switch (opt.action) { case "addPayment": ifrm.style.width = "435px"; ifrm.style.height = AuthorizeNetPopup.options.eCheckEnabled ? "538px" : "479px"; break; case "editPayment": ifrm.style.width = "435px"; ifrm.style.height = "479px"; break; case "addShipping": ifrm.style.width = "385px"; ifrm.style.height = "359px"; break; case "editShipping": ifrm.style.width = "385px"; ifrm.style.height = "359px"; break; case "manage": ifrm.style.width = "442px"; ifrm.style.height = "578px"; break; } if (!AuthorizeNetPopup.options.skipZIndexCheck) { var zIndexHightest = getHightestZIndex(); popup.style.zIndex = zIndexHightest + 2; popupScreen.style.zIndex = zIndexHightest + 1; } if (AuthorizeNetPopup.options.useTestEnvironment) { form.action = "https://test.authorize.net/customer/" + opt.action; } else { form.action = "https://accept.authorize.net/customer/" + opt.action; } if (form.elements["PaymentProfileId"]) form.elements["PaymentProfileId"].value = opt.paymentProfileId ? opt.paymentProfileId : ""; if (form.elements["ShippingAddressId"]) form.elements["ShippingAddressId"].value = opt.shippingAddressId ? opt.shippingAddressId : ""; form.submit(); popup.style.display = ""; popupScreen.style.display = ""; centerPopup(); adjustPopupScreen(); } catch (err) { alert(err.message); } }; function centerPopup() { var d = document.getElementById("divAuthorizeNetPopup"); d.style.left = "50%"; d.style.top = "50%"; var left = -Math.floor(d.clientWidth / 2); var top = -Math.floor(d.clientHeight / 2); d.style.marginLeft = left.toString() + "px"; d.style.marginTop = top.toString() + "px"; if (d.offsetLeft < 16) { d.style.left = "16px"; d.style.marginLeft = "0px"; } if (d.offsetTop < 16) { d.style.top = "16px"; d.style.marginTop = "0px"; } } function adjustPopupScreen() { // IE6 fix var popupScreen = document.getElementById("divAuthorizeNetPopupScreen"); if (popupScreen.currentStyle && popupScreen.currentStyle.position == "absolute") { if (popupScreen.clientHeight < document.documentElement.scrollHeight) { popupScreen.style.height = document.documentElement.scrollHeight.toString() + "px"; } if (popupScreen.clientWidth < document.documentElement.scrollWidth) { popupScreen.style.width = document.documentElement.scrollWidth.toString() + "px"; } } } function getHightestZIndex() { var max = 0; var z = 0; var a = document.getElementsByTagName('*'); for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { z = 0; if (a[i].currentStyle) { var style = a[i].currentStyle; if (style.display != "none") { z = parseFloat(style.zIndex); } } else if (window.getComputedStyle) { var style = window.getComputedStyle(a[i], null); if (style.getPropertyValue("display") != "none") { z = parseFloat(style.getPropertyValue("z-index")); } } if (!isNaN(z) && z > max) max = z; } return Math.ceil(max); } function parseQueryString(str) { var vars = []; var arr = str.split('&'); var pair; for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { pair = arr[i].split('='); vars.push(pair[0]); vars[pair[0]] = unescape(pair[1]); } return vars; } } catch (err) { alert(err.message); } } ());
This all works and brings up the payment form, but I see no way to suppress the Bank Account option doing it this way. Can someone help?
Solved! Go to Solution.
01-10-2019 10:19 AM
I found the code that was requesting the token which is where this option could be set.
01-22-2019 09:00 AM
I found the code that was requesting the token which is where this option could be set.
01-22-2019 09:00 AM