Recorded Developer Webinars Pinned
Please find the links of our recorded developer Webinars Simplify PCI Compliance with Authorize.Net Accept Learn about Authorize.Net API Integration with OAuth 2.0 Creating Automated Workflows Using Authorize.Net Webhooks Thanks Anurag
API / Features documentation Pinned
Use the features you want to build the payment solution you need. You'll be up and running in minutes. Features : SDKS : API reference :
Use Try It Tab for testing APIs on sandbox Pinned
You can test APIs from our Try it Tab in API reference on sandbox without signup Click on the Try it tab and click send .
Use Testing Guide for Specific Transaction Responses Pinned
Using the Testing Guide, developers can trigger specific transaction responses in the sandbox including approvals, declines, errors, as well as AVS and Card Code responses. If you have questions or comments, please use this thread.
Need help in testing webhooks in sandbox
I've enrolled for all 21 events in my webhook and setup an endpoint to receive it. I created an endpoint using ngrok for forwarding to localhost. But, I'm not getting any response or notification even when event happens in my account. Can anybody ple...
Your script timed out while we were trying to post transaction results to it.
We are upgrading our client's cart to be responsive, so functionality has not changed - but there are significant changes to CSS (and some to HTML). Using the new cart, we are getting Your script timed out while we were trying to post transaction res...
Apple pay not working for Discover or Amex
Hi, I'm trying to integrate Apple pay. It works fine for Visa payments but when i use discover card, the payment fails with error 153 and a message that reads: There was an error processing the payment data. or "Invalid ownership". I have talked to A...
Sandbox in live mode but not displaying transactions Solved
Hi everyone, I currently have a sandbox account set up in live mode (not test) and am able to push the payment data to the API and receive an approved responseCode, but am not seeing any transactions logging in the sandbox account. Is there a delay o...
webhook fields
On a post in May you said that the next release should have webhooks returning refId directly so that we don't have to go find it with another API call for the transaction details.Any idea when this might happen?
DPM, Sandbox and depreciated
I am a developer and have used AN for almost 20 years. I have customers who I have converted to DPM to be PCI compliant. I understand that DPM will not longer be available after July next year and that the sandbox will not support it from this July 1...
Record cannot be found
Hello I've noticed that in the past there had been several threads on this issue. However i watned to bring this up again. We are using the PHP library on our application and did sevearl tests in Sandbox mode, but never saw this error. We just move e...
ARB gives success but no payment deduction
I have implememted ARB in my android app. It gives success message and return subcription id. In sanbox mode everything working fine, but in production it does not deduct money from credit card and transaction status always "N/A". I have put start da...
Does an ARB subscription create a customer profile even if CIM is off? Solved
Question for you guys: If we have CIM turned off, but are currently using ARB Subscriptions, will there still be customer profiles created? We want to stop using ARB and start using CIM. I'm not sure if I will need to create profiles from past transa...
Accept js in Angular 2 Solved
Hello, Im new on the Usage of the Accept js library. Im trying to integrate with my Angular 2 project. Im trying to call the dispatch data funtion: Accept.dispatchData(secureData, this.responseHandler); responseHandler(response: any) { if (response.m...
Is there a way to credit a different account then mine? Solved
Is there a way to credit (or send the money to) a different account that isn't mine (the default method), BUT I do have the CustomerProfileId and CustomerPaymentId to send the funds to so it's not just any account?
Without receive webhook when create transaction on test mode
Hi, I have a account pleace in Test mode.And I have setup a webhook under account setting.When I create a transaction using Accept Hosted Payment, I should get webhook request, but it didn't.Does you have the same problem?
billTo fails: Accept Hosted Form
Using the php sample app from GitHub. It works as received from GitHub. When I edit "getHostedPaymentForm.php" to add information, I expect the form to display with the billTo name and address filled in. Instead, I get the message "Missing or invali...
Visa Purchase Return Authorization Messages Solved
I realize this isn't directly realted to an integration question, but Could someone help explain to me in English what this Visa madate is for "Purchase Return Authorization Messages" is? It's about 3/4th of the way down on this page: https://usa.vis...
Accept Hosted iFrame userFields error
I'm trying to use "userFields" in createTransactionRequest of Accept hosted iFrame form to send and recieve data back after the transaction is completed. I keep getting "Unexpected Error. Please try again" message when I submit the form. {"resultCode...
XML Formatting Solved
Hi everyone, I'm currently working on implementing the new Authorize.Net API in a legacy system, and have to manually generate the XML to be posted to the API. When looking at the API reference, the request XML starts with My question is whether or ...
Posting raw XML to Authorize.NET API Solved
Hello everyone, I'm currently trying to incorporate the Accept.js form into a legacy system, and have gotten that part to work well, but need to use the newest API in order to submit the payment nonce instead of the card info. I'm currently using cla...
Webhook and custom fields, or alternate methods? Solved
I am switching from SIM (and Silent URL) to Accepted Host (and Webhooks), using the Authorize hosted payment page. I do not want to use a payment form on our own domain, if possible. The Silent URL returned many custom fields about the transaction, b...
EMV Token and Multiple POS's
I am using the .net In Person SDK. You have provide my username and password to get a token to process a EMV transaction. My question is, I have 20 Point of sale stations, can I just use the same account to aquire new emv transaction to...
Get Accept Customer Profile Page cannot set hostedProfileCardCodeRequired value Solved
I am switching from Accept.js to Accept Customer to reduce our SAQ requirements and one of the PHP functions I am borrowing is from getAcceptCustomerProfilePage()I basically understand what it is doing but when I attempt to set the hostedProfileCardC...
vendor.bundle.js:3032: syntax error in iOS Safari
In Safari on iOS 11.4, Accept.js ( throws the following error: ERROR SyntaxError: The string did not match the expected pattern. g — vendor.bundle.js:3032 postMessage sendMessageToMerchant — main.bundle.js:...
unable to get getAnAcceptPaymentPage its giving mising and invalid token
HiI am facing issue how to append the token while calling getanacceptpaymentpage. I will share my code and please share any example related to get understand in React js and node js. function getAnAcceptPaymentPage(res) {console.log(res) var merchant...
Not able to get the response token and consequently not able to access the accept hosted page
Hi I am working on node.js and try to call the test api "". Issue is that i am getting token but I am not understanding how to append the token to redirect to mean to call getAnAcc...
Need help with dealing with plans and subscription
Hello, The software I'm working on has multiple plans and it is possible for a customer to be in more than one plan at a time. I was wondering for this kind of situation, do I've to make two different subscriptions for a single customer ? (I'm using ...
Country DropDrown won't be displayed correct (Chrome)
Hi, we are using the Hosted Payment Form.On one device the country dropdown won't be displayed correct - the country name are not readable because only the right part of the dropdown will be displayed.The Hosted Payment Form will be included in a pop...
Sandbox Environment: disable Trace
This post relates to the Authorize.Net C# SDK. The code is using AuthorizeNet.Api.Contracts.V1, AuthorizeNet.Api.Controllers and AuthorizeNet.Api.Controllers.Bases to load a Hosted Payment integration. The Trace statements (ie. when calling getHosted...
AcceptUI responseHandler error
Hi all, I'm receiving the following error when using AcceptUI (hosted mode): Uncaught TypeError: window[s] is not a function at _sendRespondBackToMerchant (AcceptUI.js:1) at U (AcceptUI.js:1)When you prettify the minified JS source (
How to dynamically add URL paramater of hostedPaymentReturnOptions setting
Hi,The hostedPaymentReturnOptions setting has the following paramets currently allowed.{"showReceipt": true, "url": "", "urlText": "Continue", "cancelUrl": "", "cancelUrlText": "Cancel"}Is here a way...
Invoicing in ARB
Is there any way to send invoice to my clients in ARB subscription automatically every month? Can I use Webhooks for this ?
Update customer profile with createTransactionRequest
I can insert a payment profile when doing a createTransactionRequest, but I am having trouble with updating a payment profile. The following error message is returned: "PaymentProfileId cannot be sent with payment data". Is this functionality availab...