The accept hosted payment form example code written in PHP shows a "Pay" tab that the customer can use to enter a new card to make a pyment. Is there a way to display a list of payment profiles for that customer and allow them to choose a card that they had used previously?
โ11-02-2017 04:47 PM
Hello @mbalog99
It's currently not possible but definitely something we plan to add very soon. If you're interested in trying a beta version, please send a private message and we'll have someone get in touch with you.
โ11-02-2017 07:23 PM
I guess I don't understand then. What's the point of the customer being able to create payment profiles if they can't use them to check out?
โ11-03-2017 08:42 AM
@mbalog99 That's an excellent question. Initially Accept Hosted could be used for one-time payments only, but very soon you can specify a customer profile when creating the token and when the form is presented, it will give users the option to pay from one of the last 4 payment profiles used.
โ11-03-2017 08:46 AM
Any update on this? The documentation is heavily lacking
โ08-06-2018 01:48 PM
Hi @daskjeeves
Yes we support stored profiles now on the Accept hosted .
Please check the below section
โ08-07-2018 03:33 PM