It was frustrating not finding this in the API docs so I thought I'd share here.
Occasionally, in trying to issue multiple refunds back-to-back for transactions that were very similar (same customer, cc, price), we would get a duplicate transaction error. We needed to adjust the invoiceNumber, but it wasn't explicit how. Well, it's the same as with charging a card. Just work from the API documentation for refunds but add the first two lines below (declaring & configuring the orderDetails) before you instantiate your transactionRequestType and then include the last line below to add these details to your refund.
var orderDetails = new ApiContracts.OrderType(); orderDetails.setInvoiceNumber(INSERT_YOUR_INVOICE); var transactionRequestType = new ApiContracts.TransactionRequestType(); transactionRequestType.setTransactionType(ApiContracts.TransactionTypeEnum.REFUNDTRANSACTION); transactionRequestType.setPayment(paymentType); transactionRequestType.setAmount(INSERT_YOUR_AMOUNT); transactionRequestType.setOrder(orderDetails);
You might've guessed that, but I don't like guessing when it comes to payment processing. Happy holidays, y'all.
11-29-2018 03:42 PM
11-30-2018 11:26 AM