Integration and Testing

Authorize.Net API questions and help with your payment integration.

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Recorded Developer Webinars Pinned

Please find the links of our recorded developer Webinars Simplify PCI Compliance with Authorize.Net Accept Learn about Authorize.Net API Integration with OAuth 2.0 Creating Automated Workflows Using Authorize.Net Webhooks Thanks Anurag


API / Features documentation Pinned

Use the features you want to build the payment solution you need. You'll be up and running in minutes. Features : SDKS : API reference :


Use Try It Tab for testing APIs on sandbox Pinned

You can test APIs from our Try it Tab in API reference on sandbox without signup Click on the Try it tab and click send .


Use Testing Guide for Specific Transaction Responses Pinned

Using the Testing Guide, developers can trigger specific transaction responses in the sandbox including approvals, declines, errors, as well as AVS and Card Code responses. If you have questions or comments, please use this thread.

eCheck "transaction not found"

Hi,I am confused by what I am seeing on my sandbox account (rwielandU2050) for txnid=60039183505.Doing a Search>Settled Transactions > Search Results I see that it is ”Pending Settlement”.Yet when I confirm that in my code by issuing a query to the T...


ANET Hosted Form CVC validation

We have encountered another issue with the Hosted Payment Form: It doesn't validate the CVC code! Is there a request parameter that will enforce this validation ? Thanks in advance, Gabe.

AIM NVP help

Good morning, I had been using a ColdFusion developed registration system with the AIM NVP method for a number of years successfully. The system was not used last year and upon testing this year, I am having a "connection timeout" problem when submit...

E00117, OTS Service Error 'Field validation error.' Solved

I am new to this platform and am working in the sandbox. I believe I have PHP installed with the sdk correctly in place. I am able to get a token with what looks like valid data and was able to get the hosted form working, but submittin...

Another TLS Assist Request/Question Solved

According to this: it would appear that transaction requests submitted to


How to get rid of continue button on hosted page in iframe

We have integrated the hosted page setup into an iframe in a java app and we are using webhooks to get the result notification back to our server, but I have not been able to get any setting to work in turning off the "continue" button that comes up ...

Test.Authorize.Net console message in SIM Solved

We were doing some testing and one of our QA personnel noticed a message in the console when running in Chrome. The SSL certificate used to load resources from will be distrusted in M70. Once distrusted, users will be preve...

Production Mode giving error

I am using C# - SDK code for Credit Card transaction. It is always giving "The transaction was unsuccessfull". But it working fine with SANDBOX (with sandbox credentials) The only change I made was replace ApiOperationBase.RunEnvironment = AuthorizeN...


Accept Hosted Forms keystroke issue

I'm using the Hosted Forms within a FileMaker Pro solution. The Hosted Forms are loaded on a FileMaker layout using a "Web Viewer" which uses the default OS web engine, Safari on macOS. I'm running into an issue adding cards where the cursor moves ba...

do I have to attach any certificate

I am completely new to payment. We are planning using AcceptJS to get a payment nonce and then make payment. My team really want me to ask you guys if in the whole process any certificates needs to be sent in any requests. Thanks.


Multiple Payments Refund Issue In Authorize .net

In our application users can pay product amount in multiple payments(I am using Now when I try to refund using our application I got following error message “Refund Failed. A duplicate transaction has been submitted”. Can you please l...

Get Customer Payment Profile

Is there any reason why the following response does not give back Billing Address that got originally submitted while creating a payment Profile? getCustomerPaymentProfileController(request) ThanksSesha

billTo: company alphanumeric?!

Regarding createTransactionRequest fields, the API documentation claims that the billTo: company field should be alphanumeric: "Use alphanumeric characters only, without spaces, dashes, or other symbols." How can this be? Is this actually referring t...

eCheck Testing fails on invalid ABS code

Hi, I'm trying to test "Debit a Bank Account" txns on my sandbox account. I'm submitting what used to be a good bankname/routingno :request.transactionRequest.payment.bankAccount ='businessChecking','40798399','091905444', 'John ...

Accept.js opaqueData supported in SOAP? Solved

I am supporting an application originally implemented in 2008 which uses the SOAP API to communicate with We are now interested in utilizing Accept.js to reduce our PCI Risk. I now see that the SOAP API was deprecated as of Nov. 2016. ...

How get Authorized/Pending Capture Transaction List

Hi To get Unsettled Transaction List I am using below sample code. But how to sort Unsettled Transaction by "Authorized/Pending Captur...

Impact of TLS 1.2 Requirement when using Hosted Payment Form (SIM)

My client has an application that uses the Server Integration Method (SIM) aka "Payment Form" to accept credit card payments via the hosted form rather than handling payment data within the application. They received a notice about the need to transi...

Reg SIM form address change.

Hi We have changed the url for the SIM address as following . customer /manage customer /manage After changing the url the new manage form is coming fine with the change of UI . I can see the ...

createCustomerProfileRequest won't recognize the nameOnAccount field Solved

Whenever I try to post this json data (I redacted the merchantAuthentication fields): { "createCustomerProfileRequest": { "merchantAuthentication": { "name": "XXXXXX", "transactionKey": "XXXXXXXXXXXXX" }, "profile": { "merchantCustomerId": "4928", "p...

Recurring Billing subscriptions, transactions ?

I would like to know , how to get a subscription's completed / approved transactions details using an API call using subscription ID in request. Also i would like to make fake/test transactions for a subscription and analyze the response for approved...

"Webhook" VS "Silent Post" and custom fields Solved

Hi Everyone, not sure if this the correct place to post this question. Years ago I wrote an Authorize.NET integration solution for my company. It uses a hosted payment page, and the "Silent Post" feature. Recently we were told by a Auth.NET represent...

E00001 A duplicate customer payment profile already exists

Hey, I'm trying to use this api doc to update existing subscriptions, but get this error E00001 A duplicate customer payment profile already exists. A lo...

Can't validate a credit card Solved

Our users can sign up for our products months before they are available. When we take their order, we want to take their credit card information and pass it to the Authorize.Net CIM, then charge the card more than 30 days later when the item is ready...

API hosted form can't post after initial validation error

I am able to get the hosted form to come up and can process payments as long as the form validation passed. I am getting the following error whenever the user inputs an incorrect field. I get the error message for the problem, then when it is correct...

Accepted Host Payment form

Hosted in an iframeThe users can press Pay and then if they immediately press Cancel the transaction still goes through on users think the transaction has been cancelled and this is ending up with users submitting the payment again. How do I...