Hello I have read some messages on this board of adding a tip afterwards transaction is completed, many say its not possible but they are really old discussions.
I tested that the Authorize.Net iOS Phone Mobile App actually does process tip but seems it does it before the authorization and/or capture process happens so just adds to the total cost. Thats not most pos system work.
I read on one of the board posts you can link into previous transaction with the reftransid (assuming need to add authcode too) but my tries was unsuccessful. Is this still not supported or am i sending/missing some wrong info.
Tried transaction types
AuthorizeNet.Api.Contracts.V1.transactionTypeEnum.authCaptureTransaction (processed as a new transaction and not as a tip)
AuthorizeNet.Api.Contracts.V1.transactionTypeEnum.priorAuthCaptureTransaction (The transaction cannot be found.)
Do I authorize the transaction and wait for the tip then complete it? But then when should i complete the transaction if their is no tip.
We are using the c# .net api for this. Please help thank you.
02-02-2017 04:22 PM
Thanks for inquiring about tips. Authorize.Net is certified to process a Tip amount added after authorization when TSYS is the processor. For other processors, the tip must be passed with the initial authorization. The tip element in createTransactionRequest is used to designate the tip amount.
API reference, In-Person SDK, and Git Hub links below. The readme files in the Git Hub repositories have a section on Tips.
Please respond back with any questions.
02-14-2018 04:18 PM
Thanks for the update. Will this functionality be expanded beyond Tsys? Specifically, to Chase and/or Ipayment?
02-15-2018 07:41 AM - edited 02-15-2018 07:41 AM
We have additional Tips certifications in the backlog, although none in the near future.
03-06-2018 10:16 AM
TSYS is our processor and we are using .NET SDK - any info on how to adjust a tip from a previous sale would be appreciated
02-06-2019 09:02 PM
TSYS is our processor and we are using .NET SDK - any info on how to adjust a tip from a previous sale would be appreciated
02-06-2019 09:03 PM
02-07-2019 03:35 PM
Hello @jebrick
Will tip amount be deposited surely to the merchant's bank account even it is chase?
Best Regards,
Niranjanadevi R S
01-06-2022 05:59 AM
Have you developed it? its been a while since this message.
08-04-2023 08:01 AM