Integration and Testing

Authorize.Net API questions and help with your payment integration.

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Recorded Developer Webinars Pinned

Please find the links of our recorded developer Webinars Simplify PCI Compliance with Authorize.Net Accept Learn about Authorize.Net API Integration with OAuth 2.0 Creating Automated Workflows Using Authorize.Net Webhooks Thanks Anurag


API / Features documentation Pinned

Use the features you want to build the payment solution you need. You'll be up and running in minutes. Features : SDKS : API reference :


Use Try It Tab for testing APIs on sandbox Pinned

You can test APIs from our Try it Tab in API reference on sandbox without signup Click on the Try it tab and click send .


Use Testing Guide for Specific Transaction Responses Pinned

Using the Testing Guide, developers can trigger specific transaction responses in the sandbox including approvals, declines, errors, as well as AVS and Card Code responses. If you have questions or comments, please use this thread.

PDF of Transaction Details

I want to get the Transaction Details PDF from Is this possible to get the Transaction Details invoice in form of PDF format and Can I customize the same? Kindly do the needful.


Charge Credit Card - Displaying Discount Line Item on a Transaction

Hello, I'm currently testing adding a discount amount to the transaction line item. The Class shows that it's available to use and it does not throw an error. When I view the transaction through the portal, the line items appear as they should but no...

Want to Setup API On Website

My site is on WordPress I use discussion to gather information from client I have likewise programming interface so that is feasible to call programming interface in wordpress utilizing that table I utilized and show information on popup??here is som...

How to integrate to Android app using JDK 11.

Hello everyone,thanks for helping beforehand.I want to integrate into my Android app, however, the java SDK only supports JDK 1.8 while mine is 11. And I use PHP as my backend server. I found Accept Mobile SDK, but it only gets me a tok...

Get All settled and unsettled Transaction List

I would like to know if is there any way or any API to get the whole transaction history of all the customer profiles of Not getting the whole transaction list from any of the APIs mentioned:

Increase line items

Currently is only accepting maximum 30 line items in payment request. We have a need to allow for about 50 line itemsIf not possible, is there any alternate solution to handle when we are having more than 30 line items (instead of multi...

want to Setup api on website

My website is on WordPress i use forum to collect data from user i have also api so that is possible to call api in wordpress using that table i used and show data on popup??here is some page for that task if some one have any ideas please help me Sa...


Error Message

I am getting the following message after an completing an upgrade can anyone Help me > error in on line : () [Semantical Error] The annotation "@Type" in property net\authorize\util\SensitiveDataConfigType::$sensitiveTags was never imported. Did you ...


Configure merchant admin / configure account admin

We have recieved an email to configure or merchant & account admin log in details.The email gives us the oranisation ID. We click the link and then put in the oraganisation ID. We then need to put in the contact email which we do (I have tried multip...

Debit Card Payment

Hi,I use the Authorise.Net plugin on Wordpress to integrate debit and credit card payments on the website. But after installing the plugin only credit card facility is visible. Is there any possibility to add debit card facility.Regards,Abhijith

getting the response like below for the payment form

What is the steps to get the Payment FormWhile trying to send the request using access token getting below response...

-------------------------------------------Sample Code to send the request::::::::HttpRequest req1 = new HttpRequest();req1.setEndpo...

Using card reader with website

My company is building a website where users are able to pay bills at terminals in-person. This website would be locally hosted, with the card readers attached to designated terminals in the facility. We want to be able to read the card reader direct...

How I can ger KeySet ID for Google Pay

In the documentation it says:To sign up for Google Pay:Step 1. In the Authorize.Net Merchant Interface, navigate to Account > Settings > Digital Payment Solutions. The available digital payment solutions appear.Step 2. In ...


DBA Name or ORDER ID in Credit Card Statement (Soft Descriptor)

We are in the process of moving our APIs from Payeezy to One of the thing we see is missing, is the ability to add soft descriptor in the statement. Which seem to have worked well for us. Is there something like that possible?For examp...

What is the best way to handle the annual renewal of subscriptions

Hello guysI working on java solution to integrate annual subscriptions with 12 trial months and where customers can renovate, I am using the values:subscription.paymentSchedule.interval.length=12subscription.paymentSchedule.interval.unit=monthssubscr...

What is the most secure api for map?

I wanna integrate both apple map and google map for which I need the most secure api.Help me in building my project which is about.Best regards.

How to fix security loop?

Hey!I am trying to fix a loop which is getting me at the point where every one can come and break the code of login site.What are the possible solutions for avoiding this.


How to get affected data back?

Most of the industry experts are now getting hit by very tough viruses which are not giving us original files back.Help us in finding the best approach.


Creating customer profile while creating transaction

I looking to use Accept and determining which model would work best for me. I would like to use Accept Hosted. However, I need to create a user profile at the same time when creating a transaction. So when a user fill out the form and p...

SFCC Paypal Express integration

We are on SFCC and SFRA 4.0. We have the cybersource cartridge version 21.1.0I have been trying to implement Paypal Express and just am not figuring out a couple of things...1. I have a sandbox and developer account set up with paypal with a merchant...


Relay response instantly times out with Direct Posting Method

Hi all,I've got a problem getting my sandbox merchant account to complete a transaction from our Java application.Our app reads various user information, collects it into a form, and posts to the testing address at

Integration Testing Cases

Say we have two functions:Update TableImport Datawhere the second function calls the first function based on some rules/logic.Would an integration test be written for each function? Or does it make sense to only have one integration test?

Pass name on card.

How can i pass Name on card in payment transaction along with card number, expiry and card code

Facing authorized dot. net (hosted) Form response error?

I am trying to integrate's hosted gateway and I have successfully generated a token for the same.But after computing the payment how can I get payment status.Currently, I am using a local server and also let me how to redirect page will ...

Error creating sandbox account

I get the following error when trying to create a developer sandbox account."LoginID has too many simple patterns in it"I have tried numerous variations of loginIds including* dcdevd1str1but0r* PzhACorL6sE7* etc...These all seem to meet the qualifica...

Integration Testing on a Blazor Front End

What are people using for integration testing for a Blazor app?I wanted to do the testing with Playwright, but I'm more of a JS guy, so jumping straight into Playwright in C# proved a bit difficult for me. I decided to just go with Selenium in C# usi...