We are building a vending machine solution for a client using Android. Is it possible to use the Card Present methods with this SDK? We have a card swiper that reads the CC tracks.
We got the test app working, but tried the card present code (from the Java sample) and it did not take.
Also, is there a way to automate the login information. Obviously, we don't want customers messing with that stuff.
Looking forward to using Authorize.net.
10-03-2012 01:39 PM
Hi j3mohammed,
Our Mobile SDKs are designed to allow you to turn your phone into a mobile credit card terminal, but they do not currently support swipe devices. It is important to understand that they are designed to be used by you as the merchant, not by the customer directly. There is no way to remove the login requirements for mobile devices.
If you are looking to provide an interface directly to customers, it is important to know that the mobile SDKs are not designed for this purpose.
10-04-2012 11:32 AM
Is there a more specific error indicating why the card present mode did not work?
10-18-2012 12:59 PM