I know a lot of people have issues with the response timeout - but that's not what this question is about.
My question is thus: We have time sensitive sales for events and recently switched over to AuthNet for our payment provider. We've noticed that some customers take far too long (some as long as an hour) to submit payment on the payment form through the SIM. I don't know what these people are doing, but the net result for us is that we've already expired the order and given others an opportunity to make a purchase but AuthNet lets people wait, and wait, and wait some more, and then goes ahead and charges the order to the customers CC. We have processes in place to mitigate this somewhat, but before I spend more time mitigating this issue, I figured I'd just ask two key questions:
1. What is the default timeout for submitting payment information in the form offered by the SIM API before it rejects the charge and refers the customer back to the merchant, if any?
2. Is there any way to adjust this timeout programatically so that we can specify a duration (in minutes) after which the form will time out (and not charge the customer, but notify them their order has timed out and to return to the merchant)?
Thank you for any information. If this function or feature is not something that is currently supported, then let this stand as a feature request.
Have a great day!
Denard Springle
โ03-12-2012 08:48 AM
1) The time stamp only valid for a 30 min windows. x_fp_timestamp is either 15 minutes ahead, or 15 minutes behind
2)Use DPM for more control on you site.
โ03-12-2012 09:30 AM
1) That's odd, the documentation says:
If the fingerprint is more than one hour old or more than 15 minutes into the future, it is rejected.
My first thought was that you could just subtract some time from the timestamp, thus making it expire faster. Try with 14 minutes and 59 minutes and see what happens.
2) I also thought of DPM, however since it submits directly to Authorize.net, you'll need to implement a piece of Javascript to check for timeout. Essentially, Javascript would record the timestamp onload, then onsubmit check the new timestamp against the old one. If the difference is more than x number of seconds, it would pop up an error message and block you from submitting. People could still get around this by turning off Javascript, of course, but the vast majority won't know how or care enough to do it.
โ03-12-2012 12:36 PM
Did you ever figure out how to do this?
โ05-19-2012 08:48 AM