Authorize.Net is upgrading our infrastructure to enhance system performance and security. The changes will be made to our sandbox environment first with updates to production following at a date still to be determined.
See the full details in our blog post here.
โ03-24-2015 10:47 AM
Is the sandbox supposed to be returning html with the body: An unanticipated error has occurred?
โ03-31-2015 01:37 PM
Just this week I started setting up a website with osCommerce and the sandbox version of Authorize.Net. Yesterday I got the whole authorization process to finally work, using the test credit card numbers (!). But today, suddenly, when osCommerce sends off the authorization request to the sandbox, again using test credit card numbers, it simpy reports back that there is a problem with the credit card and to try some other form of payment. Could this be related to the work you are now doing on the sandbox?? If so, any suggestions on where in osCommerce I now have to modify?
โ03-31-2015 02:11 PM
All the connections to sandbox has stopped working!
if i try to debug the response i get:
AuthorizeNetARB_Response Object ( [xml] => [response] => )
All the response block is missing. Live account works.
Is there anyone already working on fixing this issue?
โ03-31-2015 03:27 PM
@greg1972 What are the reproduction steps?
โ03-31-2015 03:29 PM
@rich722 I suggest contacting your web hosting company since this may be a matter of their server configuration--show them the post this is linked to, which has the technical details. It's also possible you may need to contact OScommerce for assistance in your configuration:
โ03-31-2015 03:32 PM
@magalh Please refer to this post for technical details:
โ03-31-2015 03:33 PM
I am sending a validateCustomerPaymentProfileRequest and it is returning the html i mentioned above. This just started, as i have been working on a customer site and it hasn't happened before. Although i have not tested it since last week. It all started with ssl verification errors with curl. The sandbox url seems to have changed from apitest to just test, and that was causing ssl_verify_host errors because the hostname doesn't match the cert. I updated the class i am using to fix the host name. I then started receiving ssl_peer_verify errors as well. So i disabled that temporarily just to see what elese was happening, thats when i started seeing the underlying issue of the html being returned and not xml like my class is expecting.
Putting the url into the browser results in the same error response:
โ03-31-2015 03:37 PM - edited โ03-31-2015 03:38 PM
@Lilith Thanks
โ03-31-2015 03:40 PM
@greg1972 There wasn't any URL is used for our XML, SOAP, and JSON connections, while is for our name-value pair API connections.
However, it appears the new GeoTrust certificate uses Subject Alternate Names (SAN) for all the domains on our Sandbox environment, including both and
Can you check your security transport for SAN support, please?
โ03-31-2015 04:19 PM