How do you determin the end date of a ARB subscription (or if the subscription has no end date)? The ARBGetSubscriptionRespone contains the start date - but no end date? The interface to manually create the ARB subscription provides three GUI elements to control the end date: "no end date", "end date", "end after XX occurances". So using the API, how do we determine if a subscription has no end date or a specific end date?
02-12-2018 03:06 PM
One way is to use a simple calculation based on the results of the ARBGetSubscriptionRequest:
<interval> <length>7</length> <unit>days</unit> </interval> <startDate>2018-02-01</startDate> <totalOccurrences>10</totalOccurrences>
The startDate and int variables would of course be retrieved by your application by parsing the XML or JSON, passed to a function, something like:
func calcEndDate(sDate string, toc int, length int) { startDate, _ := time.Parse("2006-01-02", sDate) subTotal := length * toc endDate := startDate.AddDate(0, 0, subTotal) fmt.Println("Subscription End Date will be : ", endDate.Format("2006-01-02")) } func main() { calcEndDate("2018-02-01", 10, 7) }
Subscription End Date will be : 2018-04-12
02-12-2018 05:09 PM