I am looking to build some market place funcitonality where I store members payment information in the Authorize.net CIM. Then use that information to payout to multiple bank accounts.
1. Is this even possable with Authorize.net
2. Can I store ECheck Information in the CIM
3. How would I pay out others bank accounts using the data store in the CIM.
In general I want a master acount where I store members info in the CIM then use that CIM data. Then have "sub accounts" that I can pay using the information stored in the master accounts CIM.
03-28-2016 03:25 PM
Hello @ciddennis
Authorize.Net does not currently support a "marketplace" type of payment. Each gateway allows a merchant to accept payments into a single merchant account.
You are welcome to post this as a new feature using our Ideas forum. This will allow others to vote on and make suggestions to improve the request.
03-28-2016 03:32 PM
Does Authorize.net support the creation of marketplaces? I see the initial post was made a few years ago and wanted to follow up to see if such feature was now available.
Thank you
06-20-2018 12:39 PM
Hi @feliper
We dont currently support it but this is something we want to look into further .
Can you connect with me and whats your business use cases at developer_feedback@authorize.net ?
06-21-2018 01:47 PM
@feliper did you ever solve your need for marketplace payments? I'm looking for the same. Thanks!
08-21-2018 06:16 PM