$transaction = new AuthorizeNetTransaction;
$transaction->amount = '0.01';
$transaction->customerProfileId = $profile_id;
$transaction->customerPaymentProfileId = $payment_profile_id;
# Process it
$response = $cim_com->createCustomerProfileTransaction("AuthCapture", $transaction);
I am getting a 'E00003 Name cannot begin with the '0'' error when I run those code through the PHP SDK. $profile_id and $payment_profile_id are both valid.
09-05-2013 12:54 PM
09-05-2013 01:33 PM
I found that one earlier and thought it was the issue, but it wasn't. Both of the profile id's I am passing are valid.
09-05-2013 02:24 PM
Just for test have you try just using the ID(9999999) instead of $profile_id
09-05-2013 05:05 PM
Alomst certainly the same issue. Do a print_r() on the values you're passing and see if it mentions SimpleXMLElement. Or if you have leading zeros or something odd like that.
09-09-2013 01:40 PM