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CIM XML Server was reset issue

I am using an server with Windows 2000.

Using Classic ASP with VB Script.


I am using the demo code at:

Under “Charge a Credit Card”, if you select “Try it”. It shows the XML to charge a card.

In order to test this, I placed it into an ASP page.

Here is the code:


strLineOut = strLineOut & "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "<createTransactionRequest xmlns=""AnetApi/xml/v1/schema/AnetApiSchema.xsd"">" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & " <merchantAuthentication>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "   <name>2V4cJg6v</name>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "   <transactionKey>XXXXXXXXXXX</transactionKey>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & " </merchantAuthentication>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & " <refId>123456</refId>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & " <transactionRequest>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "   <transactionType>authCaptureTransaction</transactionType>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "   <amount>5</amount>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "   <payment>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "     <creditCard>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "       <cardNumber>4007000000027</cardNumber>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "       <expirationDate>1220</expirationDate>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "       <cardCode>999</cardCode>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "     </creditCard>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "   </payment>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "   <order>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "     <invoiceNumber>INV-12345</invoiceNumber>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "     <description>Product Description</description>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "   </order>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "   <lineItems>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "     <lineItem>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "       <itemId>1</itemId>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "       <name>vase</name>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "       <description>Cannes logo </description>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "       <quantity>18</quantity>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "       <unitPrice>45.00</unitPrice>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "     </lineItem>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "   </lineItems>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "   <tax>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "     <amount>4.26</amount>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "     <name>level2 tax name</name>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "     <description>level2 tax</description>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "   </tax>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "   <duty>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "     <amount>8.55</amount>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "     <name>duty name</name>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "     <description>duty description</description>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "   </duty>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "   <shipping>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "     <amount>4.26</amount>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "     <name>level2 tax name</name>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "     <description>level2 tax</description>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "   </shipping>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "   <poNumber>456654</poNumber>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "   <customer>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "     <id>99999456654</id>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "   </customer>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "   <billTo>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "     <firstName>Ellen</firstName>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "     <lastName>Johnson</lastName>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "     <company>Souveniropolis</company>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "     <address>14 Main Street</address>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "     <city>Pecan Springs</city>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "     <state>TX</state>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "     <zip>44628</zip>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "     <country>USA</country>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "   </billTo>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "   <shipTo>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "     <firstName>China</firstName>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "     <lastName>Bayles</lastName>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "     <company>Thyme for Tea</company>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "     <address>12 Main Street</address>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "     <city>Pecan Springs</city>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "     <state>TX</state>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "     <zip>44628</zip>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "     <country>USA</country>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "   </shipTo>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "   <customerIP></customerIP>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "   <transactionSettings>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "     <setting>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "       <settingName>testRequest</settingName>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "       <settingValue>false</settingValue>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "     </setting>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "   </transactionSettings>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "   <userFields>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "     <userField>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "       <name>MerchantDefinedFieldName1</name>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "       <value>MerchantDefinedFieldValue1</value>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "     </userField>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "     <userField>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "       <name>favorite_color</name>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "       <value>blue</value>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "     </userField>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "   </userFields>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & " </transactionRequest>" & vbCrLf

strLineOut = strLineOut & "</createTransactionRequest>" & vbCrLf







                url = ""

                dim xmlhttp

                set xmlhttp = Createobject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")

                xmlhttp.Open "POST", url, false

                xmlhttp.setTimeouts 60000,10000, 10000, 10000

                xmlhttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/xml"

                xmlhttp.send strLineOut   ‘This is where the ERROR occurs.

                xmlhttp.waitForResponse 10000

                Response.Write xmlhttp.responseText

   Set xmlhttp = nothing


I am getting an Error at the line xmlhttp.send strLineOut:

msxml3.dll error '80072eff'

The connection with the server was reset


I have redirected this code to an ASP that can parse the XML fine. And I get no errors while accessing that ASP.



Hi narnone,


Windows 2000 server was end-of-lifed several years ago and is not being maintained by Microsoft or updated to support modern internet technology. Most likely, your server will not be able to recognize any modern SHA2 certificate such as the one used on our site.




Administrator Administrator