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Class hieracrchy

Hi there,


Is there a document that describe what is the class hierachy for all the classes defined in the Authorize.Net API? I would like to know what classes are inherited. The CIM SOAP Guide is not particular good in that regard.


For example, I am developing a solution that will create/update/delete customer profiles and payment profiles. Payment profiles can be credit card or bank account. I would like to use the same form to both create and update a payment profile. When I create a payment profile, I need to instantiate a CustomerPaymentProfileType object because that's what the CreateCustomerPaymentProfile method expects. My custom form will get a CustomerPaymentProfileType  reference in its constructor and will fill all the fields with nformation entered by the user in the form. However, when I want to update a payment profile, all I have is a CustomerPaymentProfileMaskedType. So my custom form needs to be able to take a reference to that type as well in its constructor. I would love to know if there is a relationship between the two types (CustomerPaymentProfileType and CustomerPaymentProfileMaskedType) as in both are derived from the same interface, so I can define my constructor reference input parameter of that type.


Any help is highly appreciated.




Regular Contributor

Yeah, I knew about that. I was hoping for something easier to search and navigate, something like a ".chm" document.