Really testing my patience with this one.
My server is in CMT.
has anyone who has worked wtih Cold Fusion gotten this to work?
I'm using their SIM Cold Fusion example and I've been all over looking at setting the time correction, but having no luck.
โ04-29-2014 12:11 PM
<!--- a timestamp is generated --->
<cfdump var="#GetTimeZoneInfo()#">
<!--- Get current time. --->
<cfset dtNow = Now() />
<!--- Convert to GMT using UTC Offset. --->
<cfset dtGMT = DateAdd(
) />
<!--- Output both dates. --->
Now: #dtNow#<br />
GMT: #dtGMT#<br />
<cfset timestamp=DateDiff("s", "January 1 1970 00:00", DateConvert('UTC2Local', dtGMT)) >
<!--- The following lines generate the SIM fingerprint --->
<cf_hmac data="#loginID#^#sequence#^#timestamp#^#amount#^" key="#transactionKey#">
โ04-29-2014 01:16 PM