Have an existing, working AIM integration program written in ColdFusion, but currently uses MD5 hash. Am having a hard time finding much in the way of sample ColdFusion code on the site to help in the migration to the SHA512 hash.
I've gone in the Sandbox and generated a Signature Key. Do I use that in any of the x_* fields I send TO authorize.net? I thought that it was to go in the x_trans_key field instead of the old Transaction Key. If I test using the original transaction Key in x_trans_key it works. If I do nothing more than put the new Signature Key into the x_trans_key field it says invalid login or password or transaction. I'm not getting any farther than that so not even to the part where I string together the Signature Key field and other 2 and convert it to the new hash. Is the Signature Key ONLY for converting to the hash (with the other 2 fields) once I get the api response back and not needed anywhere in the data sent to them?
โ02-28-2019 02:22 AM
@MThomas wrote:
... Is the Signature Key ONLY for converting to the hash (with the other 2 fields) once I get the api response back and not needed anywhere in the data sent to them?
Correct. The signature key is ONLY used to validate the transaction RESPONSE is authentic.
โ02-28-2019 05:34 AM
here's what worked for me.
<cfset authNetBinarySignatureKey = binaryDecode(x_secret_key, "hex") />
<cfset x_fp_hash=HMAC("#x_login#^#x_fp_sequence#^#x_fp_timestamp#^#x_amount#^#x_currency_code#","#authNetBinarySignatureKey#","HMACSHA512")>
good luck!
โ02-28-2019 01:31 PM
I think AIM (per the update page) uses the same 3 fields as the newest API. AuthName, TransID, and Amount.
โ02-28-2019 02:20 PM
thanks Richard that helped. I was making incorrect assumptions
โ02-28-2019 09:00 PM
thanks for the sample coldFusion code. I'm using AIM method with value pairs so it wasn't exactly what I needed to do, but it got me on the right path and saved me digging up the functions to convert to binary, and hash. Very helpful. thanks
This is what ended up working for me in case it helps someone else doing the same AIM methods we use:
<cfset v_msg = "^" & loginid & "^" & v_transID & "^" & v_returned_amt & "^">
<cfset sigk_binary = binaryDecode(v_sigk, "hex") />
<cfset x_fp_hash = HMAC("#v_msg#","#sigk_binary#","HMACSHA512")>
โ02-28-2019 09:03 PM