I last integrated authorize.net AIM for Coldfusion in 2011. The user stayed on our site for payments without being redirected externally. This site hasn't processed payments for a while and I'm working on a new site that's going to process user credit cards.
The site will use Coldfusion and according to the a.net guide online the 'old' way I used in 2011 of using a .dll file and CFHTTP 'x_' parameters is no longer going to be supported, that I should use JSON. However, there are no examples of Coldfusion that show how to set this up.
Can anyone direct me to an example or two? Will I still be able to use CFHTTP and will the user be redirected in the 'new' way or can we still use AIM so they stay on the site?
10-06-2017 09:18 AM
Updated note to add: I don't think we necessarily need to integrate via AIM. I think SIM might make more sense (if this still exists?) so that we're not responsible for PCI compliance...
10-06-2017 10:46 AM