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Request for Assistance: Unexpected Error with orderType in Authorize.Net API Versions Above 1.9.6

Hi Developers,

We’re encountering a strange issue with the Authorize.Net API in versions higher than 1.9.6 and are looking for suggestions or insights from anyone who has faced something similar.



The Problem:

When we include the orderType object in the transactionRequest, the API throws an unexpected error during payment processing. However:

  • Downgrading to version 1.9.6 resolves the issue, and payments process without any errors.
  • If we comment out or remove the orderType object, the error disappears, but this causes orderDescription and invoiceNumber to show as empty in the Authorize.Net interface, which is critical for our post-payment verification workflows.

What We’ve Tried:

  1. Downgrading the API: Version 1.9.6 works fine, but we’d prefer to use the latest version for long-term support and compatibility.
  2. TLS 1.2 Bypass: Ensured this is not related to TLS or certificate configurations.
  3. Testing Without orderType: Excluding orderType avoids the error but introduces challenges with missing fields (orderDescription and invoiceNumber).

Why This Matters:

Our system relies on orderDescription for order verification after payment. Without it, we’d need to refactor our workflows, which isn’t ideal.


  1. Has anyone encountered this issue with orderType in API versions higher than 1.9.6?
  2. Is there a workaround that allows us to include orderDescription and invoiceNumber without using orderType?
  3. Does anyone know if this issue is a known bug or expected behavior?

We have temporarily reverted to version 1.9.6 in our application to maintain functionality. However, we aim to upgrade to a newer version in our next release and we’d appreciate any insights, solutions, or even alternate approaches you’ve implemented in similar situations.


Thanks in advance!


The issue you're encountering with the orderType object in Authorize.Net API versions above 1.9.6 appears to be related to either a breaking change in the API or a misalignment in how the orderType object is handled. Below is a step-by-step approach to address this issue:

Proposed Solution and Workarounds

  1. Check API Documentation for Updates:
    Review the Authorize.Net API release notes and documentation for versions above 1.9.6 to identify any changes to the orderType structure or behavior. Look specifically for updates regarding transactionRequest, orderType, orderDescription, or invoiceNumber.

    • Focus Areas: Ensure that orderType is correctly formatted and adheres to the latest API schema.
  2. Validate API Request Payload:
    Use tools like Postman or Fiddler to inspect the full request payload being sent to Authorize.Net. Confirm that:

    • The orderType object has the required fields and no unexpected properties.
    • All parent and child objects comply with the API specification for the current version.
  3. Enable Detailed Logging:
    Enable verbose logging on your server to capture the exact error message and stack trace when the API throws an error. This may provide insights into the root cause.

  4. Patch for Missing Fields Without orderType:
    If you cannot use orderType and must rely on orderDescription and invoiceNumber, consider adding them as top-level fields in the transactionRequest payload (if the API allows it). For example:

  5. Contact Authorize.Net Support:
    If you’ve verified that your implementation is correct and still experience the issue, reach out to Authorize. Net’s technical support with:

    • The exact request payload (sensitive data redacted).
    • The error message received.
    • Details of the API version and your use case.
  6. Test with a Newer SDK or Library Version:
    If you’re using an Authorize.Net SDK or library, ensure it is updated to its latest version. Occasionally, SDK updates include fixes for API-related bugs.

  7. Temporary Downgrade with Conditional Logic:
    Until the issue is resolved, implement a temporary logic to use version 1.9.6 when the orderType is required. Use a feature flag to switch to the newer version when the API behavior stabilizes or when a fix is released.

  8. Monitor Known Issues:
    Check community forums or the Authorize.Net GitHub repository (if available) for reported issues similar to yours. It could be a recognized bug awaiting resolution.


If you're encountering an unexpected error with orderType in Authorize.Net API versions above 1.9.6, consider these steps:

  1. Check API Documentation: Verify if orderType has changes or deprecations in newer versions.
  2. Validate Request Payload: Ensure the orderType field is correctly formatted and matches the expected value.
  3. Update SDK: Make sure you’re using the latest SDK compatible with your API version.
  4. Inspect Logs: Review error logs for specific details about the issue.
  5. Contact Support: If unresolved, reach out to Authorize.Net support with error details for assistance.