I am confused as I have received the mail from authorize.net about the certificate update I am using the authorize.net gem in Ruby on Rails, I am confused about should I need to update the certificate and from where I can find which certificate needs to be updated.
Mail I have received
โ10-17-2024 02:55 AM
I'm dealing with the same Authorize.net DigiCert migration situation and looking for guidance. I'm using the authorize.net gem in a Rails app.
My main concerns:
1. Since I'm using the standard authorize.net gem configuration without any custom certificate handling, am I affected?
2. The documentation mentions sandbox testing will be available on Oct 23rd, but what can we test before that date?
If anyone has already started preparing for this migration or has insights about testing with a similar setup, I'd really appreciate your advice.
Thanks you!
โ10-18-2024 01:14 PM
Hello Ankit,
Please refer below articles for more details about the Certificate Migration and Tentative timelines :
Here is the post where someone had tried:
I hope this will help.
โ11-20-2024 10:47 PM