Integration and Testing

Authorize.Net API questions and help with your payment integration.

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Recorded Developer Webinars Pinned

Please find the links of our recorded developer Webinars Simplify PCI Compliance with Authorize.Net Accept Learn about Authorize.Net API Integration with OAuth 2.0 Creating Automated Workflows Using Authorize.Net Webhooks Thanks Anurag


API / Features documentation Pinned

Use the features you want to build the payment solution you need. You'll be up and running in minutes. Features : SDKS : API reference :


Use Try It Tab for testing APIs on sandbox Pinned

You can test APIs from our Try it Tab in API reference on sandbox without signup Click on the Try it tab and click send .


Use Testing Guide for Specific Transaction Responses Pinned

Using the Testing Guide, developers can trigger specific transaction responses in the sandbox including approvals, declines, errors, as well as AVS and Card Code responses. If you have questions or comments, please use this thread.

Webhooks issue

Hello.My webhooks stopped working, endpoints are there, but I'm not getting any data from I didn't make any changes, it just stopped working. I tried to recreate that endpoints and nothing is changed. Thanks everybody in advance

API response delay

This payment interface: This is where I send the payment information: is it that when the customer has paid the amount on the management interface, the URL i...

Entrust to DigiCert SSL Certificate Migration

According to this online document, the sandbox ssl certificate should have completed migration on Aug 15,2024. But the following ssl lab verification pages shows it is still ...


Testing on Sandbox

How can I test on Sandbox live response codes. I tried with the zip code to force a decline but that didn't work.Any other ideas.


Handle Decline response in Hosted Page IFrame

HelloI've implemented the integration with Authorize.Net with Hosted Page (iframe in modal window and iframe communicator).Everything is fine except when transaction is declined for some reason.For example when I tested with provided CVVs - 900 (Appr...

Not getting complete user payment profile data

Hi,I have created one customer by one API call (createCustomerPaymentProfileRequest) And I passed one parameter into it:"defaultPaymentProfile": falseAs I checked on other documentation I found that "defaultPaymentProfile": false will not come into t...

What is 120 reason code

Hi guys,I am developing for our company and currently run into a common issue that happen many times that after we run a transaction, the response Card Authorisation return the code of 120 and the Card Settlement is 100 (which is success). I cannot f...

How to get access cyber source

I need help to active my account and cyberspaceI have only acces sandbox how can I update correct detal

Best Practices for Integrating CyberSource Payment Solutions

"Hello CyberSource Developers,I’m currently working on integrating CyberSource payment solutions into our application and would appreciate any insights or best practices from the community. What are some effective strategies or tips for a smooth inte...

Location and Service approve

I want to use a payment service for a website in Japan, and the business project is related to 18+ content. Can I use this payment gateway?

Card present vs not present for SaaS system

Hello,The company I work for has a web based ERP system (written in PHP). We are currently linked with We store the CC details in our software, then, to process the CC, we send to invoice details (invoice #, amount, details) and cu...

Download Microform Library

Hi, is it possible to download the Microform Integration JavaScript library? The Salesforce platform will not allow me to load directly from cybersource. If possible, where can I download it?

Sandbox Account Not Workings With Shopify

I'm having issues connecting my Shopify Account to an AuthorizeNet Sandbox account. I keep receiving an error message: User authentication failed due to invalid authentication values.. Please try again. I've already emailed customer support and got a...

Missing Custom Order ID in Transaction Payloads and Responses

In our application, we supply our custom order ID in the custom ordered field of the createPaymentRequest's transaction data object. We've also included this ID in a custom field, which appears in the confirmation email sent after the transaction.How...

secure acceptance payment hosted form

Below is th form i am trying to submit the but You are not authorized to view this page. The transaction has not been processed.If the problem persists please report your problem and quote the followin...


Hi I'm getting this error.'code' => 'E00003','text' => 'The element \'payment\' in namespace \'AnetApi/xml/v1/schema/AnetApiSchema.xsd\' has incomplete content.List of possible elements expected: \'creditCard, bankAccount, trackData, encryptedTrackDa...

unable to authenticate using javascript/jQuery

Using the sandbox APIendpoint provided (any my name/key which are obfuscated here), I get a generic error return messagefunction testAuthorize(xx){$.post(APIendpoint,{contentType: 'application/json',data: JSON.stringify({"authenticateTestRequest":{"m...

Merchant Onboarding API Error E00001

We are getting the following error which is not helping us troubleshoot the last step of the process "code" : "E00001", "text" : "An error occurred during processing. Please try again.", "description" : "An unexpected system error occurred while proc...


Why does the webhook payload never have merchantreferenceid

For every transaction, the application supplies our merchant reference id in the refTransId field of the getHostedPaymentPageRequest's transactionRequest object. We've even added a userField value for the reference id, and it appears in the email rec...


Webhook - HMAC-Sha512 Not Matching

I have seen that others have solved this problem, and the solutions do not work for me. I have struggled with this for far too long today, so I hope someone here can help me figure out what I've done wrong.My Signature Key: 34AD498CD36B7D9BE390EAC08E...

Payment Page on Wix

I'm creating a payment page on my site that I've built with Wix ( Simply so my customers can pay their invoices through our site.Can I get some direction as to which code I should be inserting into my wix s...

New Merchant Onboarding API

We have an ecommerce platform and during our onboarding we would like to create the merchant in Is there a Merchant Onboarding API? What is the proper way to seamlessly onboard a merchant?