I have this cart and it uses the AIM method. I need to use the CIM. Searching through allthe files there is only one file called Authorize.net.php Below is the code on this page.
<?php class AuthorizeNet extends GatewayFramework implements GatewayModule { var $cards = array("visa", "mc", "amex", "disc", "jcb", "dc"); var $liveurl = 'https://secure.authorize.net/gateway/transact.dll'; var $testurl = 'https://secure.authorize.net/gateway/transact.dll'; function AuthorizeNet () { parent::__construct(); $this->setup('login','password','testmode'); } function actions () { add_action('mycart_process_order',array(&$this,'process')); } function process () { $transaction = $this->build(); $Response = $this->send($transaction); if ($Response->code == '1') { // success $this->Order->transaction($this->txnid($Response),'CHARGED'); return; } elseif ($Response->code == '4') { // flagged for merchant review or risk management $this->Order->transaction($this->txnid($Response),'PENDING'); return; } else $this->error($Response); } function txnid ($Response) { if (empty($Response->transactionid)) return parent::txnid(); return $Response->transactionid; } function error ($Response) { return new MycartError($Response->reason,'authorize_net_error',MYCART_TRXN_ERR, array('code'=>$Response->reasoncode)); } function build () { $Order = $this->Order; $_ = array(); // Options $_['x_test_request'] = ($this->settings['testmode'] == "on")?"TRUE":"FALSE"; // Set "TRUE" while testing $_['x_login'] = $this->settings['login']; $_['x_password'] = $this->settings['password']; $_['x_Delim_Data'] = "TRUE"; $_['x_Delim_Char'] = ","; $_['x_Encap_Char'] = ""; $_['x_version'] = "3.1"; $_['x_relay_response'] = "FALSE"; $_['x_type'] = "AUTH_ONLY"; //= "AUTH_CAPTURE"; $_['x_method'] = "CC"; $_['x_email_customer'] = "FALSE"; $_['x_merchant_email'] = $this->settings['merchant_email']; // Required Fields $_['x_amount'] = $Order->Cart->Totals->total; $_['x_customer_ip'] = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; $_['x_fp_sequence'] = mktime(); $_['x_fp_timestamp'] = time(); // $_['x_fp_hash'] = hash_hmac("md5","{$_['x_login']}^{$_['x_fp_sequence']}^{$_['x_fp_timestamp']}^{$_['x_amount']}",$_['x_password']); // Customer Contact $_['x_first_name'] = $Order->Customer->firstname; $_['x_last_name'] = $Order->Customer->lastname; $_['x_email'] = $Order->Customer->email; $_['x_phone'] = $Order->Customer->phone; // Billing $_['x_card_num'] = $Order->Billing->card; $_['x_exp_date'] = date("my",$Order->Billing->cardexpires); $_['x_card_code'] = $Order->Billing->cvv; $_['x_address'] = $Order->Billing->address; $_['x_city'] = $Order->Billing->city; $_['x_state'] = $Order->Billing->state; $_['x_zip'] = $Order->Billing->postcode; $_['x_country'] = $Order->Billing->country; // Shipping $_['x_ship_to_first_name'] = $Order->Customer->firstname; $_['x_ship_to_last_name'] = $Order->Customer->lastname; $_['x_ship_to_address'] = $Order->Shipping->address; $_['x_ship_to_city'] = $Order->Shipping->city; $_['x_ship_to_state'] = $Order->Shipping->state; $_['x_ship_to_zip'] = $Order->Shipping->postcode; $_['x_ship_to_country'] = $Order->Shipping->country; // Transaction $_['x_freight'] = $Order->Cart->Totals->shipping; $_['x_tax'] = $Order->Cart->Totals->tax; // Line Items $i = 1; foreach($Order->Cart->contents as $Item) { $_['x_line_item'][] = ($i++)."<|>".substr($Item->name,0,31)."<|>".((sizeof($Item->options) > 1)?" (".substr($Item->option->label,0,253).")":"")."<|>".(int)$Item->quantity."<|>".number_format($Item->unitprice,$this->precision,'.','')."<|>".(($Item->tax)?"Y":"N"); } return $this->encode($_); } function send ($data) { if ($this->settings['testmode'] == "on") $url = $this->testurl; else $url = $this->liveurl; $url = apply_filters('mycart_authorize_net_url',$url); return $this->response(parent::send($data,$url)); } function response ($buffer) { $_ = new stdClass(); list($_->code, $_->subcode, $_->reasoncode, $_->reason, $_->authcode, $_->avs, $_->transactionid, $_->invoicenum, $_->description, $_->amount, $_->method, $_->type, $_->customerid, $_->firstname, $_->lastname, $_->company, $_->address, $_->city, $_->state, $_->zip, $_->country, $_->phone, $_->fax, $_->email, $_->ship_to_first_name, $_->ship_to_last_name, $_->ship_to_company, $_->ship_to_address, $_->ship_to_city, $_->ship_to_state, $_->ship_to_zip, $_->ship_to_country, $_->tax, $_->duty, $_->freight, $_->taxexempt, $_->ponum, $_->md5hash, $_->cvv2code, $_->cvv2response) = explode(",",$buffer); return $_; } function settings () { $this->ui->cardmenu(0,array( 'name' => 'cards', 'selected' => $this->settings['cards'] ),$this->cards); $this->ui->text(1,array( 'name' => 'login', 'value' => $this->settings['login'], 'size' => '16', 'label' => __('Enter your AuthorizeNet Login ID.','Mycart') )); $this->ui->password(1,array( 'name' => 'password', 'value' => $this->settings['password'], 'size' => '24', 'label' => __('Enter your AuthorizeNet Password or Transaction Key.','Mycart') )); $this->ui->checkbox(1,array( 'name' => 'testmode', 'checked' => $this->settings['testmode'], 'label' => __('Enable test mode','Mycart') )); } } // END class AuthorizeNet ?>
I was thinking I need to add the XML part to this page. Somehow to have it parse the XML.
//build xml to post $content = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>" . "<createCustomerProfileTransactionRequest xmlns=\"AnetApi/xml/v1/schema/AnetApiSchema.xsd\">" . //MerchantAuthenticationBlock(). "<transaction>". "<profileTransAuthOnly>". "<amount>" . $_['x_amount'] . "</amount>". // should include tax, shipping, and everything. "<shipping>". "<amount></amount>". "<name>Free Shipping</name>". "<description>Free UPS Ground shipping. Ships in 5-10 days.</description>". "</shipping>". "<lineItems>". $_['x_amount'] ."</lineItems>". //"<unitPrice>" . ($_POST["amount"] - 1.00) . "</unitPrice>". "<customerProfileId>12711484</customerProfileId>". "<customerPaymentProfileId>11714901</customerPaymentProfileId>". "<customerShippingAddressId>11804938</customerShippingAddressId>". "<order>". "<invoiceNumber>INV12345</invoiceNumber>". "</order>". "</profileTransAuthOnly>". "</transaction>". "</createCustomerProfileTransactionRequest>"; echo "Raw request: " . htmlspecialchars($content) . "<br><br>"; $response = send_xml_request($content); echo "Raw response: " . htmlspecialchars($response) . "<br><br>"; $parsedresponse = parse_api_response($response); if ("Ok" == $parsedresponse->messages->resultCode) { echo "A transaction was successfully created for customerProfileId <b>" . htmlspecialchars($_POST["customerProfileId"]) . "</b>.<br><br>"; } if (isset($parsedresponse->directResponse)) { echo "direct response: <br>" . htmlspecialchars($parsedresponse->directResponse) . "<br><br>"; $directResponseFields = explode(",", $parsedresponse->directResponse); $responseCode = $directResponseFields[0]; // 1 = Approved 2 = Declined 3 = Error $responseReasonCode = $directResponseFields[2]; // See http://www.authorize.net/support/AIM_guide.pdf $responseReasonText = $directResponseFields[3]; $approvalCode = $directResponseFields[4]; // Authorization code $transId = $directResponseFields[6]; if ("1" == $responseCode) echo "The transaction was successful.<br>"; else if ("2" == $responseCode) echo "The transaction was declined.<br>"; else echo "The transaction resulted in an error.<br>"; echo "responseReasonCode = " . htmlspecialchars($responseReasonCode) . "<br>"; echo "responseReasonText = " . htmlspecialchars($responseReasonText) . "<br>"; echo "approvalCode = " . htmlspecialchars($approvalCode) . "<br>"; echo "transId = " . htmlspecialchars($transId) . "<br>"; } echo "<br><a href=index.php?customerProfileId=" . urlencode($_POST["customerProfileId"]) . "&customerPaymentProfileId=" . urlencode($_POST["customerPaymentProfileId"]) . "&customerShippingAddressId=" . urlencode($_POST["customerShippingAddressId"]) . ">Continue</a><br>";
Solved! Go to Solution.
03-01-2013 06:34 AM
I checked my email and I had all the transactions there. So really all it was doing was sending the amount, getting a transaction ID and sending me an email. But it was not creating any record in CIM.
I looked at my code and realized I had not set the values in the finction that sends the order. So I modified it below. (Sorry the formatting is not good) I also changed the URL to https://apitest.authorize.net/xml/v1/request.api but I get no error and it just kicks back to my checkout form. Doesn't process like before. The function build () {
$Order = $this->Order; look like where the issue is.
<?php require ('/lib/shared/AuthorizeNetRequest.php'); require ('/lib/shared/AuthorizeNetTypes.php'); require ('/lib/shared/AuthorizeNetXMLResponse.php'); require ('/lib/shared/AuthorizeNetResponse.php'); require ('/lib/AuthorizeNetAIM.php'); require ('/lib/AuthorizeNetCIM.php'); include_once ("XML/util.php"); include_once ("XML/vars.php"); //require ('AuthorizeNetCIM.php'); class AuthorizeNet extends GatewayFramework implements GatewayModule { var $cards = array("visa", "mc", "amex", "disc", "jcb", "dc"); var $liveurl = 'https://secure.authorize.net/gateway var $testurl = 'https://test.authorize.net/xml/v1/request.api'; function AuthorizeNet () { parent::__construct(); $this->setup('login','password','testmode'); } function actions () { add_action('mycart_process_order',array(&$this,'process')); } function process () { $transaction = $this->build(); $Response = $this->send($transaction); if ($Response->code == '1') { // success $this->Order->transaction($this->txnid($Response),'CHARGED'); return; } elseif ($Response->code == '4') { // flagged for merchant review or risk management $this->Order->transaction($this->txnid($Response),'PENDING'); return; } else $this->error($Response); } function txnid ($Response) { if (empty($Response->transactionid)) return parent::txnid(); return $Response->transactionid; } function error ($Response) { return new MycartError($Response->reason,'authorize_net_error',MYCART_TRXN_ERR, array('code'=>$Response->reasoncode)); } function build () { $Order = $this->Order; //$_ = array(); // Options $_['x_test_request'] = ($this->settings['testmode'] == "true")?"TRUE":"FALSE"; // Set "TRUE" while testing $_['x_login'] = $this->settings['login']; $_['x_password'] = $this->settings['password']; $_['x_Delim_Data'] = "TRUE"; $_['x_type'] = "AUTH_CAPTURE"; // = "AUTH_CAPTURE" AUTH_ONLY; $_['x_method'] = "CC"; $_['x_email_customer'] = "FALSE"; $_['x_merchant_email'] = $this->settings['merchant_email']; $_['x_customer_ip'] = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; $_['x_fp_sequence'] = mktime(); $_['x_fp_timestamp'] = time(); // create Auth & Capture Transaction $request = new AuthorizeNetCIM; $customerProfile = new AuthorizeNetCustomer; $customerProfile->description = "Description of customer here"; $customerProfile->merchantCustomerId = 987; //create and add payment profiles and addresses // add payment profile. $paymentProfile = new AuthorizeNetPaymentProfile; $paymentProfile->customerType = "individual"; $paymentProfile->payment->creditCard->cardNumber = $Mycart->Order->Billing->card; $paymentProfile->payment->creditCard->expirationDate = date("my",$Mycart->Order->Billing->cardexpires); $paymentProfile->payment->creditCard->cardCode = $Mycart->Order->Billing->cvv; $customerProfile->paymentProfiles[] = $paymentProfile; $customerProfile->email = $Order->Customer->email; //add a shipping address $address = new AuthorizeNetAddress; $address->firstName = $Mycart->Order->Customer->firstname; $address->lastName = $Mycart->Order->Customer->lasttname; $address->company = "John Doe Company"; $address->address = $Mycart->Order->Shipping->address; $address->city = $Mycart->Order->Shipping->city; $address->state = $Mycart->Order->Shipping->state; $address->zip = $Mycart->Order->Shipping->postcode; $address->country = $Mycart->Order->Shipping->country; $address->phoneNumber = $Mycart->Order->Customer->phone; $response = $request->createCustomerShippingAddress($customerProfileId, $address); $customerAddressId = $response->getCustomerAddressId(); //create the transaction $transaction = new AuthorizeNetTransaction; $transaction->customerProfileId = $customerProfileId; $transaction->customerPaymentProfileId = $paymentProfileId; $transaction->customerShippingAddressId = $customerAddressId; $transaction->amount = $Order->Cart->Totals->total; $lineItem = new AuthorizeNetLineItem; $transaction->lineItems[] = $lineItem; $response = $request->createCustomerProfileTransaction("AuthCapture", $transaction); $transactionResponse = $response->getTransactionResponse(); $transactionId = $transactionResponse->transaction_id; // Line Items $i = 1; foreach($Order->Cart->contents as $Item) { $transaction->lineItems[] = ($i++)."<|>".substr($Item->name,0,31)."<|>".((sizeof($Item->options) > 1)?" (".substr($Item->option->label,0,253).")":"")."<|>".(int)$Item->quantity."<|>".number_format($Item->unitprice,$this->precision,'.','')."<|>".(($Item->tax)?"Y":"N"); } return $this->encode($_); //$customerProfile->email = $Mycart->Order->Customer->email; } function send ($data) { if ($this->settings['testmode'] == "on") $url = $this->testurl; else $url = $this->liveurl; $url = apply_filters('mycart_authorize_net_url',$url); return $this->response(parent::send($data,$url)); } function response ($buffer) { $_ = new stdClass(); list($_->code, $_->subcode, $_->reasoncode, $_->reason, $_->authcode, $_->avs, $_->transactionid, $_->invoicenum, $_->description, $_->amount, $_->method, $_->type, $_->customerid, $_->firstname, $_->lastname, $_->company, $_->address, $_->city, $_->state, $_->zip, $_->country, $_->phone, $_->fax, $_->email, $_->ship_to_first_name, $_->ship_to_last_name, $_->ship_to_company, $_->ship_to_address, $_->ship_to_city, $_->ship_to_state, $_->ship_to_zip, $_->ship_to_country, $_->tax, $_->duty, $_->freight, $_->taxexempt, $_->ponum, $_->md5hash, $_->cvv2code, $_->cvv2response) = explode(",",$buffer); return $_; } function settings () { $this->ui->cardmenu(0,array( 'name' => 'cards', 'selected' => $this->settings['cards'] ),$this->cards); $this->ui->text(1,array( 'name' => 'login', 'value' => $this->settings['login'], 'size' => '16', 'label' => __('Enter your AuthorizeNet Login ID.','Mycart') )); $this->ui->password(1,array( 'name' => 'password', 'value' => $this->settings['password'], 'size' => '24', 'label' => __('Enter your AuthorizeNet Password or Transaction Key.','Mycart') )); $this->ui->checkbox(1,array( 'name' => 'testmode', 'checked' => $this->settings['testmode'], 'label' => __('Enable test mode','Mycart') )); } } // END class AuthorizeNet ?>
03-05-2013 08:10 AM - edited 03-05-2013 08:14 AM
In addition to the code above, I added the XML code
//build xml to post $content = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>" . "<createCustomerPaymentProfileRequest xmlns=\"AnetApi/xml/v1/schema/AnetApiSchema.xsd\">" . MerchantAuthenticationBlock(). "<customerProfileId>12345</customerProfileId>". AND SO ON....
and I get this error;
Raw response: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN""http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Bad Request</TITLE> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" Content="text/html; charset=us-ascii"></HEAD> <BODY><h2>Bad Request - Invalid URL</h2> <hr><p>HTTP Error 400. The request URL is invalid.</p> </BODY></HTML>
The operation failed with the following errors: (but no errors listed)
03-06-2013 06:57 AM
That a standard HTTP error message telling you that the URL is wrong.
03-06-2013 07:37 AM
Thanks. Above that message is empty XML code.
Raw request: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><createCustomerPaymentProfileRequest xmlns="AnetApi/xml/v1/schema/AnetApiSchema.xsd"><merchantAuthentication><name></name><transactionKey></transactionKey></merchantAuthentication><profile><merchantCustomerId></merchantCustomerId><description>none</description><email></email></profile></createCustomerProfileRequest>
Any ideas. I know I have posted alot here just trying to get it to work.
03-06-2013 07:44 AM - edited 03-06-2013 07:47 AM
Is not the xml is the URL and how you are trying to pass the request xml.
You didn't just try to add the xml to the end of the url?
03-06-2013 07:49 AM - edited 03-06-2013 07:50 AM
I know its messy. See above for all my code. I have been messing withthis for a week.
03-06-2013 07:52 AM - edited 03-06-2013 07:56 AM
I thought I could put the XML call inside the Build() function. But this might not be the correct way.
03-06-2013 08:21 AM
why are you trying to do both CIM/AIM in your code? it would be simpler to start from fresh with the SDKs or sample code with just the CIM.
03-06-2013 08:24 AM - edited 03-06-2013 08:25 AM
Well I am trying to remove the AIM code and change to CIM. I can see how it sends the AIM info. But I can't understand how to send CIM. Becuase of the XML that needs to be sent.
03-06-2013 08:28 AM - edited 03-06-2013 08:29 AM
the PHP CIM sample code show how to send the xml either by fsockopen or curl
03-06-2013 10:54 AM