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Create a Customer Profile from a Transaction with customerProfileId

Hello there, 


I am having trouble updating the payment profile for exsisting users using 'create_customer_profile_from_transaction' API method. I am using ruby. Based on the documentation on it can be accomplished by passing 'customerProfileId'. On the documentation page, it is said it needs to be a numeric string the same as transaction id. If I keep it as a numeric string:



#<AuthorizeNet::API::CreateCustomerProfileFromTransactionRequest:0x00007f1b3c495620 @merchantAuthentication=nil, @refId=nil, @transId="40046569632", @customer=nil, @customerProfileId="1511207096", @defaultPaymentProfile=nil, @defaultShippingAddress=nil, @profileType=nil>



it throws the error:




#<NoMethodError: undefined method `to_xml' for "1511207096":String>




Then I look into the ruby documentation for this method and found out that it needs to be of type `NumericStringsType`. I have updated my call using this type:


#<AuthorizeNet::API::CreateCustomerProfileFromTransactionRequest:0x00007f1b3e799bd0 @merchantAuthentication=nil, @refId=nil, @transId="40046568628", @customer=nil, @customerProfileId=#<AuthorizeNet::API::NumericStringsType:0x00007f1b3e799b80 @numericString=["1511207096"]>, @defaultPaymentProfile=nil, @defaultShippingAddress=nil, @profileType=nil>



The method got executed but I got another error:



The element 'AnetApi/xml/v1/schema/AnetApiSchema.xsd:customerProfileId' cannot contain child element 'AnetApi/xml/v1/schema/AnetApiSchema.xsd:numericString' because the parent element's content model is text only.



Is there anything that I am missing?


Thank you in advance






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