I have a question about how to handle a repost for the same transaction in DPM:
Use case is person has entered an invalid credit card (cc) number. The error comes back with the invalid cc error. User then corrects cc num and enters a valid cc hits submit. What needs to change/remain the same for a repost.
I tried reposting using the following and it works but I'm not sure if this is recommended:
I also tried changing fp_sequence and fp_timestamp but I received an error saying "This transaction cannot be accepted."
Should I change the fp_timestamp and keep fp_sequence the same as previous post?
What is recommended?
08-05-2013 12:11 PM
1)DO NOT post the transkey, you use it to generate the x_fp_hash, but do NOT post.
2)The x_fp_hash can only be use once, get a new fp_timestamp and regenerate the x_fp_hash.
08-05-2013 12:40 PM
>get a new fp_timestamp and regenerate the x_fp_hash
Great thanks!
BTW: I am not posting TransKey, these are only elements for the Fingerprint generation. But thank you for the warning in case another reader misunderstands.
08-05-2013 01:10 PM