I'm new to using APIs. My question is related to what programming language can I use with the "Transaction Details API": can I use to develop my application or do I need to use C#?
Thank you,
09-27-2011 08:35 AM
You can use any language you want. It is just a web service.
The SDK and sample app is limit to PHP, Java, Ruby and C#.
09-27-2011 09:17 AM
<<The SDK and sample app is limit to...>>
Not sure what you mean by limited. If I plan to use as my language of choice, don't i still have to download and install the SDK?
09-27-2011 09:55 AM
It a web service, you call the web method and pass in the transaction request info and it return the transaction detail back.
"The SDK provides utility methods to help developers build payment flows for each of the integration methods".
It help by doing some of the coding in those programming language.
09-27-2011 01:03 PM
Thanks for the information.
I hope to begin to do some coding towards the end of the week. I did download the C# examples (SDK).
09-27-2011 01:20 PM