During development of a site over the past year, when using my developer account, I don't recall having a hard time setting payment profiles. Now, no matter what address or CC I use, including an expiration date well into the future, I always receive this error:
createCustomerPaymentProfileRequest Response Summary: Response code: E00027 Message: The credit card has expired.
Even for #'s I just make up (though many times it says, invalid format). So is the idea that I may have created a past profile based on certain addresses with those cc's in file and they are expired? If so, how come when I added an entirely new address (fake, for the sake of testing) I still get those errors?
Just curious as to what the system is detecting and if the only solution is editing/deleting profiles. I just want the site owner to test this feature out but I worry I can't have them do it in dev mode as I worry they will add a test cc like 4111111111111111 and it will spit out that error.
Thanks for your time. For the record, I use the code as stated from John Conde's site and, for the longest time, all of it has worked wonders for me. Not sure why I can't create new payment profiles...
โ04-30-2013 05:29 PM
since the error said the credit card has expired. What expiration date are you using?
โ04-30-2013 05:36 PM
I use both variations of dates (just to see if the format was wrong) such as:
always into the future. The first one I created worked, the rest don't. I wonder if my dev account created a max limit or something since only certain cc #'s get accepted. I wonder, I saw a list of TEST cc #'s, can THEY be used in the cim dev account and, if so, are they the ONLY ones we can add to a dev account CIM payment profile?
Fyi, another error I get is wrong cc entry (I can't remember the exact error, it's based on the cc # I type) That's why I asked the last q. Ty.
โ04-30-2013 07:39 PM - edited โ04-30-2013 07:42 PM
2014-04 is the correct format
Format: YYYY-MM
yes you can use test cc# on the dev account. You could use any valid cc# to dev account.
โ05-01-2013 04:19 AM
Interesting...I entered the 4111....1111 again with a different name, another year in the future for expiration based on proper format, but this time the new address I made up was valid. Maybe the issue was the expiration message was for cc's I typed with a certain address, the fake addy I created which didn't createa profile maybe just wasn't real, therefore it gets denied, - it's confusing but I just wanted to see if I told my client, go in my account, create a test cc, it'll work - I just want to ensure that it will.
So if they create their own profile with their address and 4111.1111 even though I have 4111...1111 listed, if it's a unique ccv/expiration and unique address, it should add the profile, correct?
Thanks for your help. I do appreciate it.
โ05-01-2013 06:19 AM
So if they create their own profile with their address and 4111.1111 even though I have 4111...1111 listed, if it's a unique ccv/expiration and unique address, it should add the profile, correct?
yes, with same cc#, as long as the bill to address and/or expiration date is different, it would create a new profile.
โ05-01-2013 06:36 AM