Integration and Testing

Authorize.Net API questions and help with your payment integration.

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Recorded Developer Webinars Pinned

Please find the links of our recorded developer Webinars Simplify PCI Compliance with Authorize.Net Accept Learn about Authorize.Net API Integration with OAuth 2.0 Creating Automated Workflows Using Authorize.Net Webhooks Thanks Anurag


API / Features documentation Pinned

Use the features you want to build the payment solution you need. You'll be up and running in minutes. Features : SDKS : API reference :


Use Try It Tab for testing APIs on sandbox Pinned

You can test APIs from our Try it Tab in API reference on sandbox without signup Click on the Try it tab and click send .


Use Testing Guide for Specific Transaction Responses Pinned

Using the Testing Guide, developers can trigger specific transaction responses in the sandbox including approvals, declines, errors, as well as AVS and Card Code responses. If you have questions or comments, please use this thread.


Newbie - trying to test a stored credit card

I have a credit card stored in a CIM profile in my test account and now I'm trying to develop the code that will be used to place a charge against the card. It tells me "The payment gateway account is in Test Mode. The request cannot be processed." w...

Newbie--changed page, now error yet transaction is approved Solved

I'm a designer--not a developer-- and I tried to update the amounts on my client's .aspx SIM donation page (constructed by a developer no longer with us). Everything works fine until after submitting the payment then the following error comes up: An ...

Using SIM, switched servers

We switched to a bigger server. We connected our domain to it. Now *some* customers are getting a message, "An error occurred while trying to report this transaction to the merchant. An e-mail has been sent to the merchant informing them of the error...


Retrieve ProfileId for Existing CIM Transaction

Hi everyone, I am attempting to update some legacy code and add refund capabilities for CIM transactions. The issue that I am running into is that the old code only stored the TransactionId and PaymentProfileId for the transaction, while

Payment submit form in site

Hi,I am developing a payment method by using I would like to design the payment page in site not in my site. I will just pass the parameters to site. The customers will fillup all the details in


ERROR: creating XML post for eCheck using AIM XML guide

I have successfully added credit card capture to my POS software using AIM XML. Now I want to enable eCheck.Using the XML Guide dated October 2012 is causing me problems. I am using the same XML post as I use for credit card capture but in the paymen...

Noob questions on CIM

I'm just now starting on integrating our card processing to use CIM - it looks really great! I only have a couple questions, thanks in advance for your help! I've looked through the CIM pdf download and haven't seen these items addressed there. 1. On...

Thinking about converting from SIM to DPM.

I originally opted for the SIM method because it seemed like the safest choice based on my experience level. Now that I've gotten a little bit more comfortable, I'm thinking about switching to DPM. I've reviewed the DPM .pdf guide and I don't really ...


Strange Error

I am getting a strange error: AuthorizeNetCIM_Response Object ( [xml] => SimpleXMLElement Object ( [messages] => SimpleXMLElement Object ( [resultCode] => Error [message] => SimpleXMLElement Object ( [code] => E00003 [text] => Name cannot begin with ...

Reversal of submitted payment with unknown status

Hi All,I am using AIM integration of the following scenario, what is the recommended approach?A user submits a payment. The data are collected and submitted to for a Authorization and Capture transaction. Before rece...


How to bypass AVS check in payment Gateway ? Solved

How to bypass AVS check in payment Gateway ?In my php application I am using payment Gateway and verifying firstname,lastname,cc,exp date,security code and zip code but after payment I am not getting address,city state inf...


Error connecting to AuthorizeNet

Hi All, I'm working on the AIM API method, It's working fine in test server but in live server I got error "Error connecting to AuthorizeNet". I'm using Test accounts. Please help me the same.


Direct Post Method (DPM) not working Solved

Popular shopping cart vender with connections to all the other AuthorizeNet api's already and now I'm trying to use the new DPM method. Unfortunately, the sandbox gives you no "debug" information on errors. It just says transaction can't process, go ...


Minimum Requirements for submitting transactions using AIM Solved

In the AIM Developer Guide, p. 13-15, transaction key is listed as required. However below is our LIVE name/value pairs (without transaction key), that has been working for years. My questions are 1) how has this worked? 2) Is there a recommended lis...

AVS error message but credit card charged

Hi, I am integrating for one of client sites and it is working well - however yesterday we noticed a strange issue. We were testing the application in production mode and entered credit card details with incorrect billing address - as e...

Question about API Login ID and Transaction Key more specificially Solved

We currently have an active Authorize.Net account that is used on a site that was built in 2010. I am just recently bought WordPress Plugin via WooCommerce. The plugin in I bought was DPM and will be having the SSL portion completed wit...

SIM Integration in C#

Hi, I am integrating SIM method on website developing in In SIM integration, user is redirected to hosted payment page where user can input CC details, Can you please let me know if there is a way where when succesful payment, ...


XML Problem: E00003 Root Element Is Missing Solved

Hi. I'm trying to figure out an XML error that has me stuck. I am actually trying to retrieve order information from inside an Excel spreadsheet using VBA. I know, it isn't the greatest platform, but it's what I have to work with for this particular ...

Simple Checkout Donations and ARB

Is there still no Simple Checkout Donation for ARB? Or at the very least an hosted ARB form? I'm seeing posts from 3+ years ago asking why this isn't already a feature. Am I missing something or is really that far behind t...



HI We are using CIM for recurring billing and in the process of changing our merchant provider. They will be providing us with a new account. Is there any way to link or transfer the customer cc data to the new account so it does not im...

I am trying to use the transaction details Report using PHP

I am trying to use the transaction details Report using PHP. I am new to PHP. I am using the PRODUCTION_SERVER using the example getBatchStatisticsRequest.php getting the errors below, What am I doing wrong ? exception 'AuthnetXMLException' with mess...


question on chargebacks

Hey there,this is my first question in here. I hope I am putting the question in the right section. I need to confirm is chargeback something only possible for eCheck or is it also possible for other forms of payment processing? Is there any charge o...

Customer Form Data --> Authorize.Net? Solved

Hello all!Is there a way to have my customers fill out their information on a form on my website and then send that information to be populated in an form where they can fill their cc info? I read the api manuals and nothing readily jum...

Bug found in AuthorizeNetAIM_Response constructor

It appears the constructor fails to properly populate the member variables if the address contains a comma. All successive member variables are one index off (i.e. city gets pushed into the state field, etc)