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Does Accept Hosted solution support indefinite recurring payments i.e the payments that do not have

Hi there,


We are currently trying to setup the indefinite recurring payments. i.e the payments that go on forever without having any limit on the number of payments or the end date. Going through the accept hosted documentation it looks like we need the "length" or the "payments" parameter for setting up the recurring subscription. Can you guys tell me if there is a way we can setup those kind of payments with Accept hosted ?




Hi @Mohammed


Can you provide more details how you using Accepted Hosted with Recurring billing ?


If you using our API   for creating the Subscripiton  you can pass totalOccurrences as 9999 for not having a end date .


totalOccurrences Required.
Number of payments for the subscription.

If a trial period is specified, this value should include the number of payments during the trial period.

To create an ongoing subscription without an end date, set totalOccurrences to "9999".

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Thanks Anurag. The indefinite payments seems to be working for us now.


Now we want to make it for "Deferred" payments where the end customer is charged on a later date instead of today for a single payment. So the single payment would go something like this :

1. Charge or authorize the customer for $0 today

2. Charge the customer the actual amount on a later date by setting up a recurring subscription where the 'length' parameter would be '1' and 'totalOccurences' would be '1'.


Can you help us guide how we can make that happen because when we tried to do that it raised an error while seeting up recurring subscription saying that 'interval' parameter has to be greater than 7 and less than 365 ?


Thanks a lot.


Hi @Mohammed


You can use the prior auth capture flow in this case if you want to capture the payment in 2 steps .

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