Hello all. I have searched this board and also online and haven't found a viable reason for this sporadic error to occur with the CIM XML.
Our web site works very well for the most part. BUT, in some instances, we get customers reporting that they are getting declined even though they were approved in the days before with the same profile and payment profile id in the CIM.
We starting capturing logs of all transactions and when this unique instances occur, the error message is always the same back from Authorize - E00003 Message: An error occurred while parsing EntityName. Line 14, position 67
Has anyone else seen this? Some online research explains that this is due to the ampersand & symbol or one of 5 symbols in total being included in the XML push. But, we've confirmed that there are no symbols like this in the XML.
Any insight would be appreciated. Cheers - Jeff
09-17-2010 02:32 PM
Hi Jeff,
I would suggest that you obtain the transaction ID's, where applicable, in question and contact merchant support at 877-447-3938 between the hours of 6am - 6pm (Mountain Time) Monday - Friday for assistance. It would be helpful if you had logs available with your XML output and resulting response on hand as well, as it is likely to be helpful.
09-21-2010 12:28 PM - edited 09-21-2010 12:28 PM
Hey Jeff, did you ever get a solution for this error?
Also, were you using John Conde's CIM class? ( http://www.johnconde.net/blog/tutorial-integrate-the-authorize-net-cim-api-with-php/ )
03-09-2011 12:57 PM
Just ran into this issue as well. This is caused by a bug in the AuthorizeNet Java library (for XML API). The class that serializes the XML transaction into a String (net.authorize.util.XmlTreeUtil) is not escaping element attributes or text element values at all.
I'm patching the anet-java-sdk-1.4.6.jar for our implementation. Can patches or bugs be submitted for this library?
01-14-2014 11:54 AM