We are getting lots of error when expiry date month is in single digit 'M/YYYY'. Is this due to incorrect expiry date or wrong format?
06-17-2020 09:33 PM
Are you using one of the SDKs? If so, which one.
06-18-2020 02:49 AM
We are using C# sdk v1.9.5
06-23-2020 05:38 AM
When adding a payment profile, if user puts in the incorrect expiry date, would we still get E00013 or this error is only for incorrect formatting?
06-23-2020 05:40 AM
With the C# SDK, try using the following format for the expiration date:
expirationDate = "0622"
06-23-2020 05:48 AM - edited 06-23-2020 05:49 AM
I can try that, as per documentation we switched to yyyy-MM from M/yy or M/yyyy format, but we were still getting that error, any thoughts on the previous question?
@piyush-at-tusk wrote:When adding a payment profile, if user puts in the incorrect expiry date, would we still get E00013 or this error is only for incorrect formatting?
06-23-2020 06:56 AM
You could check to see the actual value that is being passed for the expirationDate.
06-23-2020 07:02 AM
yeah, we looked at it and 4/2022 failed. but after formatting it to 2022-04 it was still failing. so wondering if incorrect date can also cause this issue or not
06-23-2020 09:51 AM - edited 06-23-2020 09:53 AM
Use XML gYearMonth (YYYY-MM) formatting. This is the only supported format.
Does 2022-04 fail due to the same error? It looks correct. I tried it in the sandbox and it worked.
<creditCard> <cardNumber>4111111111111111</cardNumber> <expirationDate>2022-04</expirationDate> </creditCard>
06-23-2020 10:24 AM
Maybe that is the preferred, documented format. But an alternate format works and is what is used in the C# SDK : https://github.com/AuthorizeNet/sample-code-csharp/blob/master/CustomerProfiles/UpdateCustomerPaymen...
And where the OP is having an issue with the format ...
06-23-2020 11:18 AM