Hello, so I've registered to authorize.net for accepting credit card payments, and i've connected it all on my ebay perferences it says that authorize.net is ACTIVE, but when i try to list item it says this:
It looks like there's a problem with this listing.
Attention! In order to use the credit card option you need to have both a valid Internet Merchant account and a payment gateway in place to secure the transactions. To find out more about this please review the information on the following page: How Payment Gateways Work At this time the only compatible gateways for use on eBay are Payflow and Authorize.net. If you are ready to setup your payment gateway you will find instruction under “Setting up a payment gateway for your Internet merchant account” on the following page: Selecting Your Payment Preferences Once you have setup your gateway please contact customer service to make the appropriate adjustments to your account to start accepting credit cards. For complete list of approved gateway companies go to the Gateway Signup Page |
Can someone help me please? I don't want to use paypal because paypal is the worst company.
06-08-2018 11:34 AM
Hi xoba123
Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. Can you provide more details on the type of Authorize.Net account you are using. Did you select "Payment Gateway & Merchant Account" or "Payment Gateway Only" ?
Could it be possible that your merchant account is currently in Test Mode in Authorize.Net?
Have you logged into your Authorize.Net merchant account and checked this (see: What Is Test Mode and How Do I Turn It off and On )?
Before switching it to live mode, can you also try a test transaction using the Virtual Terminal (see: How Do I Charge a Credit Card Using the Virtual Terminal), and ensure there are no errors?
06-10-2018 10:02 AM
Thanks for answering but much late, I called eBay and they did something and now it works.
06-11-2018 03:32 AM