I have integrated authorize.net account with our system.
The code works fine on sandbox environ,ent but its not working on the client side in live environment.
The getSettledTransactionList doesn't return any transactions.
SimpleXMLElement Object ( [messages] => SimpleXMLElement Object ( [resultCode] => Ok [message] => SimpleXMLElement Object ( [code] => I00004 [text] => No records found. ) ) )
Request parameter is
SimpleXMLElement Object
[merchantAuthentication] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[name] => xxx
[transactionKey] => xxx
[firstSettlementDate] => 2013-08-19T04:00:00Z
[lastSettlementDate] => 2013-09-15T18:29:59Z
The login Id and trans key are correct and the url is https://api.authorize.net/xml/v1/request.api.
Can you please tell what's wrong. Why is it not returning any batches?
09-16-2013 12:45 AM
It the Transaction Details API enable on the merchant account settings?
09-16-2013 06:30 AM
Yes the client has enabled Transactions details API in his account but
currenctly has sandbox test accounts in his acount. Is that the reason?
09-16-2013 10:19 PM
What do you mean has sandbox test account? Do you mean his production account is in testmode?
09-17-2013 04:11 AM
09-17-2013 04:20 AM
So if the live account is in test mode would the transactions be fetched via the API?
One more thing, If the mode is changed to live in production environment does the user id and transaction key also change?
09-17-2013 04:41 AM
Since it is still in testmode, does it have any settled transactions?
09-17-2013 04:42 AM
There are transactions but i don't know if they are settled. The getUnsettledTransaction call gives the same result 'No records found'.
09-17-2013 04:50 AM
So you did see it in the merchant account that there are transactions within the timeframe?
I would try turn off test mode to see it that work.
09-17-2013 04:59 AM
I didn't check it in the merchant interface but I made the call using the clients API credentials. The clients account is currently in test mode and is not live yet. But there are transactions.
09-17-2013 05:09 AM