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Google Apps Donation Button Integration

I have cobble together a simple site for a symphonic project ( administered by a nonprofit.  I am trying to install a DONATE button and associated embed code on the Donate page.  Google Apps employs what they call a Google Gadget anytime one adds HTML code on the page.  This produces a field in which the Donate button is one part.


I have tried using the code generated by the Simple Checkout Interface without success.  When clicking on the button the white field becomes the interface to the merchant gateway, rather than opening a new page.  I essentially have no coding skills and am limited by the tools Google Apps affords users - basically the ability to Link to a new page via URL ... or the installation of HTML which produces a 'Gadget' of 400x400 pixels (size may be adjusted).


I'd certainly be grateful for some help ......


Ben Mason 


Did a google search:smileytongue:

It look like you can add target="_blank" to the <form /> tag to popup a new browser windows.


<form target="_blank" xmlns="" action="" method="post" name="PrePage"> <input type="hidden" name="LinkId" value="acad1d40-97e8-44d0-a725-e6dd44c906c4"> <input type="image" src="//"> </form>


I so appreciate your response.  That provides the solution I need to get going.  It's a great project - a symphonic celebration of the Day of the Dead, premiering in Mexico City in November 2012 during el día de muertos.  


Here's the URL if you want to take a look:


Your solution works perfectly, creating a new page.  I still have the problem of's button being surrounded by a white field in Google's 'gadget', but I can constrain the boundaries to at least rule out most of the empty field.  It's a great temporary solution that allows us to being accepting donations.  


Again, thanks so much for your help.


All the best -

Ben Mason