We're using the CIM hosted forms to manage payment profiles, that are used for recurring payments. When user is registering his payment data (addPayment form), he can choose to use a credit card or a bank account.
However, when we are using the editPayment form to let user update his payment details (e.g. on expired card), he will not be able to change the payment type. If user chose CC when creating the profile, he is stuck with this type. He can not choose to use his bank account now. And if the user initially used a bank account, he will not be able to change this profile to use a CC.
Is this a feature of the edit payment form? Or am I missing a parameter in the request to Authorize to allow user to change payment type (CC vs. Bank account)?
A workaround would be to give user two options:
- Edit current CC/Bank account details
- Use another CC/Bank account
Solved! Go to Solution.
07-06-2014 11:06 PM
I got this answer from developer@authorize.net:
This is a known limitation, your only option would be to delete the existing customerPaymentProfile and add again a new one with the bank account information.
07-08-2014 10:27 PM
I got this answer from developer@authorize.net:
This is a known limitation, your only option would be to delete the existing customerPaymentProfile and add again a new one with the bank account information.
07-08-2014 10:27 PM
Sorry to resurrect this old topic, but I can't seem to get the hosted editPayment working as there is no way to send customerPaymentProfileId with getHostedProfilePageRequest. Am I missing something?
07-28-2017 08:15 AM
Hello @marshysnackpack
To prompt the customer to edit only a single existing profile, you must include the associated profile ID in an additional paymentProfileId or shippingAddressId form POST field.
07-28-2017 08:25 AM
Of course, I figured that out (read "presting the hosted form" paragraph) right after posting. Ugh, I spent at least an hour trying to figure that out.
Thank you Richard!
07-28-2017 08:34 AM