I am creating the hosted form with
"settingName": "hostedPaymentCustomerOptions",
"settingValue": "{\\"showEmail\\": false, \\"requiredEmail\\": false, \\"addPaymentProfile\\": true}"
but when I receive web hook notification and do getTransactionDetailsRequest I do not see {transaction}->{profile}->{customerProfileId} and {transaction}->{profile}->{customerPaymentProfileId} there.
The questions:
1. Does it mean that the checkbox "Save card" was not checked (see the screenshot) ? (but I do not think it is a case).
2. If 1) is the case, how can I "mark" it from my side and maybe even hide it to avoid end-users mistakes?
Thank you.
โ09-17-2021 05:21 AM
โ09-23-2021 10:29 PM