I couldn't find the answer to the questions I'm going to ask. Let's say I'm developing a REST API.
Should I test every endpoint?
Every endpoint interacts with the database. Should my tests include a database connection?
Where do unit tests fit in a REST API, apart from request validation?
Every controller call goes like this:
Receive request <-- here, I see I could have unit tests for validating request body and HTTP headers
Process <-- here, no matter how deep this level can go, there's going to be interaction with the database, so any test here would mean integration test
Return response
Considering the above for every call, how can there be unit tests apart from validating request? When there's database / external service interaction in the test, it's an integration test, right? So I don't see where else could there be unit tests.
โ09-06-2021 11:54 AM
I checked the issue, it was a very simple fix.
In my comment on the issue, I mentioned how I was new to open source contribution, and would like to solve this issue.
The owner/top people for the repository didn't even say anything to my comment and just gave the issue to some other guy(possibly a person who has already contributed many times)
How do you get started as oss contributor as a newbie if you find an issue you can solve but then the repository owner just problems you over and gives someone else the issue.
Should I have not mentioned I was a newbie?
Am I expected to chat around/introduce/make friends in their IRC,mailing list before I am allowed to do this?
โ02-01-2022 07:14 AM