Hi I am getting notification for Akamai Change,Please help me for code,Where I can find code for Akamai Change. I am using AIM method right now for transaction.Do i need to make change entire code or just posting URL change? Please help.
05-18-2016 10:46 PM
I did some research they are asking to change posturl not code change,Is that true? Right now I am using post url as "https://secure.authorize.net/gateway/transact.dll"
What will be new Akamai url? Also for sandbox which Akamai url will used?
Please help
05-18-2016 10:53 PM
sandbox is already using Akamai,
as for production, they will change it to use Akamai with the same secure.authorize.net url.
05-19-2016 04:47 AM
Hi,Thanks for reply, So you are saying I can use same post url for Sand box as https://test.authorize.net/gateway/transact.dll as it is already running through akamai?
But for Production environment I have to use
So just changing production post url as mentioned above, will make it run using Akamai?
Please let me know if there will be any other changes required?
Please reply.
05-19-2016 05:25 AM
I am waiting for reply,Please help.
05-20-2016 02:35 AM
Please help.
05-23-2016 03:11 AM
05-23-2016 04:33 AM