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Intermittent Invalid OTS Token Errors (E00114)

We have started to get intermittent "Invalid OTS Token" errors today when creating a new user profile.  Most of our attempts to create a user profile work fine and, prior to today, we recieved an occaisional error every couple of weeks.  We have found that if a customer gets this error (nine so far today) and they refresh the checkout page to initiate a new transaction, their next attempt works fine.


Is anyone else seeing an uptick in these errors today?  Any good way to mitigate?  


I had a tech support person mention they started seeing an increase yesterday morning, so I turned on a higher level of logging to trap details.  Unfortunately, I can't go back any further to gauge a trend.

@Lilith Yes.


Prior to the 3rd we had four errors on 03/13, two on 03/28, and one on 04/02.  These didn't raise any red flags.  Then, on 04/03, we recieved 17 between 08:56:09.333 and 21:30:05.677 MDT.  The errors then stopped until the next morning (04/04) at 09:50:47.900 after which we temporarily disabled the feature.


Oddly, we did have one more error yesterday at 13:34:50.307...four hours after disabling the feature.  The only way I can explain this one is someone sitting on the checkout page in a background tab after having loaded it before we removed the checkbox and coming back to it later to finish up.  Unfortunately, the try/catch block for this block of code doesn't log the specific checkout transaction ID as it should so I can't confirm that.


Edit: I should probably mention that we implemented the feature on 02/02/2017 so we had no issues for the first 5.5 weeks and we have not changed our implementation since launch.

@dbroome -- thanks. If you could message me your Production Gateway ID or API Login ID, I can ensure you're added to the internal ticket we're opening for this.

"Move fast and break things," out. "Move carefully and fix what you break," in.



We've just started using your product and are suffering the same problem. The same nonce is always returned by accept.js, and attempting an authCaptureTransaction request returns "Invalid OTS Token."


Please advise



To everyone reporting this issue:

If you've seen a spike in E00114s starting around April 1 or shortly thereafter, please send me a private message with your Production Gateway ID number, or API Login ID. I can then add you to the existing ticket. Thank you.

@DoomHamster -- I believe you gave yours to @RichardH already, and I have that.

@dbroome and @AgileWorkshop -- please send me your Gateway ID or API Login ID.



"Move fast and break things," out. "Move carefully and fix what you break," in.

I have sent you a PM with gateway id.  To followup, the failure rate today is approaching 25%.  If you can escalate this, please do.  I have varified that the returned nonce is not the same between calls, but have not yet identified a pattern as to when it happens.

Haven't received the error since 1:52 central.  I was getting it once every 5 minutes or so.

We believe we found and fixed the issue, and our own monitoring shows a drastic decrease in E00114 errors.

@dbroome -- thank you for confirming you see improvement.


@DoomHamster and @AgileWorkshop -- thank you for your details. Could you please confirm if you see improvement?

"Move fast and break things," out. "Move carefully and fix what you break," in.

@Lilith We re-enabled the feature early this morning. So far so good.

Thanks, @DoomHamster. We'll keep an eye on the situation on this end, but if you see this error recur, please let us know when it starts and we'll dig deeper.

"Move fast and break things," out. "Move carefully and fix what you break," in.