Hi there,
We have run into a very strange issue. One of our clients has an issue creating a new Payment Profile. The error message that she's getting once she navigates to the "https://secure.authorize.net/customer/manage" page is "Missing or invalid token".
Our system has been working for almost 6 years and we have never seen this error. More strangely, we have reached out to other customers and no one else has this issue. We also have a test account for the customer portal and were able to tokenize a credit card without problems.
What is it that triggers this error for the customer? In a Zoom meeting, I was able to access the Developer Tools window of the customer's browser right when the error occured and I can see this error being logged in the Console:
DevTools failed to load SourceMap: Could not load content for https://secure.authorize.net/customer/Scripts/V1/assets/vendorJs/css/bootstrap.min.css.map: HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE
Can this explain the error seen? I have a screenshot that I can also provide.
07-02-2020 10:24 AM
This may not be that strange - it appears that I was not in the loop and the URL for the Hosted Page was changed from "secure.authorize.net" to "accept.authorize.net". I can change that in our configuration file. Would love to know if that is the only change required though. Can anyone confirm that?
07-02-2020 12:27 PM
Mistery solved - this customer somehow had a Customer Profile Id in our system that was obtained from Authorize.Net test environment. Not sure how it escaped when the system was moved to Production. Requesting the session token and providing that old, invalid Customer Profile Id caused the "Missing or invalid token" error message.
We cleaned the wrong Customer Profile from the database and everything is now working just fine.
07-03-2020 09:37 AM
Thank you so much for the issue solution.
08-04-2020 03:20 AM