I started doing reporting yesterday, and noticed for the first time UDP packets coming from Cybersource. Could have been being done earlier, but I just did not notice till now. The packets are being either rejected or ignored by the firewall, can't remember.
A little looking, and I spotted that they are using a route optimizer. Went to the website of Cybersources probable supplier http://www.internap.com/business-internet-connectivity-services/ and got packets from them too. Guess they use their own products. Wondering if I should let them in either to do their job, or to get them off my reports?
03-01-2012 09:30 AM
I don't really see how they could damage you with UDP packets in a way not available to them via other protocols. They're just pings, right?
03-01-2012 11:31 AM
That's what I thought. Unblocking that range would get noise out of the logging. It was more a curiosity about whether blocking inhibits the functionality.
03-01-2012 11:54 AM
The way the ping works is the recipient computer is supposed to send back a response, so if your firewall is blocking the ping short of the computer that would be responding, then it's like firing into a black hole - the sender never finds out how long the trip took. I imagine that won't break anything, but it won't result in an optimized trip if that's what the pings were for.
03-01-2012 12:07 PM