We need to check our application. We are using get request on /tms/v2/taps/{tapID}. We need to check our application and all the hashedPans are returning the same tokenInformation.instrumentIdentifier.id. Are there a list of hashed pan that generate different tokenInformation.instrumentIdentifier.id or is there a list of tokenInformation.instrumentIdentifier.id that is acceptable in sandbox. We can mock the response for test issue but after that we need to be sure that the random tokenInformation.instrumentIdentifier.id we generate is accepted by sandbox. If this is not possible could you please send us a list of tokenInformation.instrumentIdentifier.id that is acceptable.
06-13-2024 04:43 AM
I see that there is a schema definition one can use to pull fields. Is there a way to pull say a "custom" schema in which if custom fields were created for a particular instance and the schama can be parsed?
06-14-2024 01:39 AM
n.instrumentIdentifier.id. Are there a list of hashed pan that generate different tokenInformation.instrumentIdentifier.id or is there a list of tokenInformation.instrumentIdentifier.id that is acceptable in sandbox. We can mock the response for test issue but after that we need to be sure that the random tokenInformation.instrumentIdentifier.id we generate is accepted by sandbox. If this is not possible could you please send us a list of tokenInformation.instrumentIdentifier.id that is acceptvn.instrumentIdentifier.id. Are there a list of hashed pan that generate different tokenInformation.instrumentIdentifier.id or is there a list of tokenInformation.instrumentIdentifier.id that is acceptable in sandbox. We can mock the response for test issue but after that we need to be sure that the random tokenInformation.instrumentIdentifier.id we generate is accepted by sandbox. If this is not possible could you please send us a list of tokenInformation.instrumentIdentifier.id that is accept
06-14-2024 01:46 AM