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Newbie going live getting E00027 error

I thought I had my programming working well, but as soon as we attempted to go live, more errors showed up and I don't know where to turn. I am using ColdFusion and have set the following variables before my call:


        <cfset args.login = APIID>
        <cfset args.transactionkey = TransKey>
        <cfset args.merchantCustomerId = CamperID>
        <cfset args.testrequest = "NO">
        <cfset args.cardNumber = FORM.CardNumber>
        <cfset args.expirationDate = FORM.ExpiryMonth & Right(ExpiryYear,2)>

What I receive back from createCustomerProfile is an error E00027 and the error message "There is one or more missing or invalid required fields"


I realize that this is coming from the 3rd party software AuthNetTools.cfc, but I'm hoping that this is enough information for someone to suggest what to do next.


For example, am I missing an argument that is required to create a customer profile? Might this error message mean more than it says?


Login the merchant account, and check the settings - payment form - form fields and see if anything that was checked as required is not getting a value from the coldfusion


My customer has checked all of the fields and even sent me a screenshot and they are identical to those I used in test. There are no fields flagged  as "Required".


Is there some way to get a better diagnostic from Is the 3rd party software getting some additional information that it is not passing to me?

Can you tell what actual data you are sending? maybe one of them is blank?

Here are the fields in the data I am passing (with some blurred for security). Given that this is the same programming that I have used successfully during test (with the excepion of changing TestRequest to NO), I think the data is correct. Is this enough to cause a credit card to be stored if the other fields are not marked as required?


If this looks reasoable then I must conclude that the 3rd party software is not passing it on and I will work on dissecting that code to see how I can get a dump from it.


That should be able to create a customer profile. not sure what that testrequest does?

Well, we are still stumped. (The test request is just to tell the 3rd party software what to do)


After several hours of detailed checking of our programming we only know that it works when testing on the test server with my test account and fails when on the development server using the production account.


Everything looks good to us but we still get the E00027 error.


Is there a list of other things than can cause this? We realize thet there must be something wrong with the setup but would really like to know of the things to look for.

You can NOT use a production account on the test server. Should have got E00007 not sure why you are getting a E00027

Sorry I mis-spoke. I didn't mean on the development server, I meant production server.

Were you testing with a Visa? Need address and zip. or set validationmode to testmode.

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