Godaddy host with SHA-2 cert
WordPress with Gravity Forms and the add-on.
Switched hosts a couple weeks ago, payments now aren't working properly. Switching the ID and Transaction Key to another account seems to make everything work again. What could be wrong with my main account? I've tried resetting the transaction key and no luck.
When the user submits a form it spins forever and never gets a response to move to the confirmation page. Sometimes the payments go through but it still doesn't send back a response.
To verify it wasn't WordPress/Gravity Forms I tested my ID and Transaction Key with the sample PHP AIM code and get the same problem, it spins and spins and nothing loads, don't even get back an error message or code.
05-20-2015 08:10 AM
To clarify a little more. As soon as I change the Sample PHP AIM code to another account's ID and Transaction Key it works perfectly.
05-20-2015 08:41 AM
Hello @sethstevenson
Can you duplicate this in the Sandbox, or does it only occur in production?
05-20-2015 09:15 AM
Only in production. We JUST got Godaddy to switch our cert to SHA-1 and still no luck, thought that might be an issue since I saw the SHA-2 announcement.
05-20-2015 09:58 AM
12-02-2022 08:13 AM