is this by design?
i always get the same dataValue returned no matter what card details i enter - and then when i try to process a transactionRequest using it i get
E00114 - Invalid OTS Token
tried initially using the following request via the "Try It"
<securePaymentContainerRequest xmlns="AnetApi/xml/v1/schema/AnetApiSchema.xsd"> <merchantAuthentication> <name>??</name> <transactionKey>??</transactionKey> </merchantAuthentication> <refId>123456</refId> <data> <type>TOKEN</type> <id>22</id> <token> <cardNumber>4111111111111111</cardNumber> <expirationDate>122020</expirationDate> <cardCode>900</cardCode> <fullName>Craig Gamble</fullName> </token> </data> </securePaymentContainerRequest>
but always returned same value no matter what data passed
so then went with the
using the Hosted Form Method
and even it returns the same dataValue?!
Any help is appreciated
โ08-23-2018 08:06 AM
i assume this is by design in the sandbox environment, whereas production environment in test mode will return valid data
โ08-28-2018 06:45 AM
@Craig_i3 the sandbox should not behave this way, I've escalated your issue for more investigation.
โ08-28-2018 08:41 AM
thanks @RichardH - how long do the investigations take roughly to be resolved?
โ08-31-2018 12:29 AM