Recorded Developer Webinars Pinned
Please find the links of our recorded developer Webinars Simplify PCI Compliance with Authorize.Net Accept Learn about Authorize.Net API Integration with OAuth 2.0 Creating Automated Workflows Using Authorize.Net Webhooks Thanks Anurag
API / Features documentation Pinned
Use the features you want to build the payment solution you need. You'll be up and running in minutes. Features : SDKS : API reference :
Use Try It Tab for testing APIs on sandbox Pinned
You can test APIs from our Try it Tab in API reference on sandbox without signup Click on the Try it tab and click send .
Use Testing Guide for Specific Transaction Responses Pinned
Using the Testing Guide, developers can trigger specific transaction responses in the sandbox including approvals, declines, errors, as well as AVS and Card Code responses. If you have questions or comments, please use this thread.
Question Regarding Launching Mobile App
Hello, I work for an online beauty supply and I am writing because we are about to launch a mobile app and need some help. Generally to release the mobile app on the app store, I heard that we need to submit our app built into Apple and get it tested...
Invoice API
I cannot seem to locate how to create an invoice using the API endpoints. is there a way to do this?
Error 13:The merchant login ID or password is invalid or the account is inactive.
I am doing an HTTP Post from my application to the test site (, but I keep getting, "The merchant login ID or password is invalid or the account is inactive," when posting to my sandbox account that I c...
IFrame Hosted Accept Profile Button text (hostedProfileReturnUrlText) question Solved
I'm migrating a site from the Old Version Hosted CIM form to the Accept Forms. I am only concerned with the payment profile management piece. These are hosted in an Iframe and have been working comfortably for years. This problem that I'm having is t...
Sandbox Down? Getting random E00027 An error occurred during processing. Please try again.
Seems to be happening when I try to run a `validateCustomerPaymentProfileRequest`. Working about 25% of the time. Was working fine yesterday.
Assistance needed - TLS 1.2 migration support
I am looking to hire for assistance with our DNN sites to assure we've migrated fully to TLS 1.2 in order to meet the 2/28 deadline for disablement on might be just updating DLL but out of my scope. Have testsite in place. . .but need h...
Handle error on Accept Hosted
Hi there, I'm involved in testing Accept Hosted integration (both redirect and iFrame methods) and I was playing with Transaction Amount Triggers (from Testing Guide) to generate payment error.I noticed that errors are displayed on the payment form a...
Accept hosted page redirect is happening but without any transaction postback/webhook response
Hi there, We have been facing problem while getting the Silent postback/webhook/redirect response from after the transaction has been processed through the Accept hosted page and clicking on the continue button. The control is coming ba...
Transaction Status
I am devloping an application to process cards and I have two pending issues I need help with. 1. The transaction type. When we use the merchant portal and perform an Authorize and Capture transaction, the Transaction Type is printed on...
Google Pay integration with
Hi,I am integrating Google Pay in my app. My initial plan was to use AndroidPay with as processor as supports AndroidPay. But as now Google is not anymore supporting AndroidPay integration and migrating to GooglePay, I hav... payment page not responsive Solved
Hi Team, We have developed a web application and configured Authorize.Net as one of the payment providers. We use redirect module to capture payment information, i.e., we redirect to to capture payment information (provide redirect URL ...
EMV Card Reader for Sandbox
I am developing an app and need a EMV Card reader that works with the Sandbox mode. Early last week I filled out the emv card reader request forum and heard nothing back. Then I opened a support ticket to check on my request late last week and heard ...
Automatic Recurring Billing (ARB) End Dates
How do you determin the end date of a ARB subscription (or if the subscription has no end date)? The ARBGetSubscriptionRespone contains the start date - but no end date? The interface to manually create the ARB subscription provides three GUI element...
EUR displays and charged as USD
Hello, We have used paypal before and when a customer pays with EUR the invoice displays EUR; After he pays in EUR, it displays the amount converted to USD; And when he pays with USD it displays and charges in USD. With authorize we try to pay with E...
Issue Registering Webhook Endpoint w/ .network TLD
Trying to register webhook endpoint receiving an error from both the portal interface and REST endpoint:Error: Invalid url entered. Only valid HTTP(s) urls are supported. When I switch the endpoint to m...
Discrepancy between sandbox CIPHER list and production cipher list
During the recent February 8th TLS test, we noticed a significant difference between the list of accepted ciphers on the production nodes (the ones in test, with only TLS1.2 enabled) and that of sandbox. (NOTE this may have happened during the first ...
An error occurred while processing your request. Reference #97.
I originally posted this as a reply here on Jan. 5th: But haven't received a reply, and we are still experiencing this problem. We've been ...
Firefox DOMException
Hi there, I have an issue with Firefox payment form popping up. First the user would click on a CC Payment Disclosure Popup, after clicking OK the disclosure would close and Payment Form should show up. For Firefox the payment pop up will show only "...
Accept hosted empty transaction response Solved Locked
I successfully implement your Accep Hosted example from github, but sometimes, not always, I cannot prorcess transaction response, as it returns empty: parent: "" qstr: "action=transactResponse&response={" ...
x_relay_url error
Hello,I hope you can help. We have a ticketing (theatre) system, which we are testing with a live account (test mode ON). All is well except when the customer is redirected back to browser we get "The reporting of this transaction to the Merchant has...
Android sdk failure
I try to integrate authorize android sdk with my mobile android application.I havecompileSdkVersion 25minSdkVersion 19 (when tested, I temporarily changed it to 21 but I got the same errors that with 19)targetSdkVersion 25I added in gradle:compile 'n...
Which Composer Packages to include in root directory
Hi, I am testing my site on my notebook's local server. My website is included in C:/xampp/htdocs/website. I have downloaded the composer package from github and ran composer update (after editing my composer.json file). I am confused about where all...
dotnet TSL 1.2
I have been reading on dotnet TSL 1.2 and am having difficultly confirming if my application's authnet integration is or is not using TSL 1.2. I know the server it is hosted on supports TSL 1.2 form a SSL check, I'm using entity framework 4.5 with pa...
Getting Cardnumber from ARB Subscription
Hi, Can someone please point me in the right direction for getting the cardnumber & expirationdate from an ARB subscription?I figured they should be accessible in the response at... But I'm not s...
Using for testing
Will I need a different login to test using the sandbox? Until now, we have used for testing and passed the "test request" with a value of true. I am now trying to change our development system to use When I u...
What is the correct sandbox URL?
I would like to test my TLS1.2 upgrade using the Sandbox which I understand is already using 1.2. I'm confused about the URL. Customer support via chat gave me: That URL returns a 404. https://test.a...
TLS 1.2 test - PHP CURL error 1407742E when submitting request to sandbox Solved
Hi, I'm getting a PHP CURL error when submitting a test transaction to my sandbox account at The error is: 1407742E:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:tlsv1 alert protocol version Does this mean that ...
TLS 1.2 Sandbox vs Production
We have tested our sandbox instance after explicitly enabling JDK 1.7 to support TLS 1.2 . This worked fine without issues. So we have applied the same for production server. While checking on our production during the temporary TLS 1.2 enablement on...
Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS
We just had our site (hosted with Godaddy) migrated from a server that only supported TLS1.0 and 1.1 to a server that supports TSL1.0, 1.1, and 1.2. The site was developed years ago using Visual Basic. Unfortunatly, now when we try to submit a paymen...
TLS 1.2 Migration
Hi, I received an email about "Important TLS 1.0 Disablement ". 1- We are using Authorize.Net on our Joomla / PHP website. Our web site is hosted on the Windows Server 2012 R2. To verify my changes I setup sandbox and test server but sandbox doesn’t ...