Integration and Testing

Authorize.Net API questions and help with your payment integration.

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Recorded Developer Webinars Pinned

Please find the links of our recorded developer Webinars Simplify PCI Compliance with Authorize.Net Accept Learn about Authorize.Net API Integration with OAuth 2.0 Creating Automated Workflows Using Authorize.Net Webhooks Thanks Anurag


API / Features documentation Pinned

Use the features you want to build the payment solution you need. You'll be up and running in minutes. Features : SDKS : API reference :


Use Try It Tab for testing APIs on sandbox Pinned

You can test APIs from our Try it Tab in API reference on sandbox without signup Click on the Try it tab and click send .


Use Testing Guide for Specific Transaction Responses Pinned

Using the Testing Guide, developers can trigger specific transaction responses in the sandbox including approvals, declines, errors, as well as AVS and Card Code responses. If you have questions or comments, please use this thread.

method getTransactionDetails response refId == null

1) create Get an Accept Payment Page2) pay3) Silent Post URL = [x_trans_id => 60038316969]4) getTransactionDetails(60038316969) return refId == nullmethod getTransactionDetails response refId == null ?private 'refId' (net\authorize\api\contract\v1\AN...

Andoid Pay No Longer Available

I reached out to Android Pay API Support and they told me they no longer offer Android Pay. I needed help with enabling Android Pay through Authorize. Here is their email to me. The Google Payment API Support Team"The Android Pay API was only availab...

AIM Integration: SSL to TLS on Java 1.6

Our application is running on Java 1.6 is accessing service using AIM method. There is NO option for us to upgrade this application to newer Java version, limited to a hardware situation. \AuthorizeNet.jar\com\jcommercesql\gateway\autho...

TLS update with Ruby on Rails + NGINX Solved

Hey folks! Like many of you, I got the "TLS Disablement Notice" forwarded to me from a client. This was a legacy application that I recently took on. It has been quite an adventure getting the server up to date, but I think I am there. I wanted to po...


Unable to get response to our server after completing a transaction

We have setup a integration using the hosted page setup in an iframe that processes the payment properly and we get the confirmation email and all that. But have not been able to get the ANET server to send a confirmation to our server upon completio...

Accept Hosted - Auth Only capture and Customer Profiles

We are using the Accept Hosted form to process Auth Only transactions, to be captured at a later date. 1. If we create a Customer Profile for each new customer and associate their profile with the hosted form transaction, do we need the Customer Prof...

AIM with NVP

Hello, We are trying to test our existing integration to the AIM NVP method with newly generated sandbox credentials, using the endpoint. When we do this, we get the following error: HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Re...

Unable to process refundTransaction. Solved

Hi all, I'm trying to perform refundTransaction with the below request. NAMEKEY123456refundTransaction5.0011112018-1240009461284 and I'm getting the following as responseErrorE00004The name of the requested API method is invalid.could you all please ...


Trying to integrate Accept.js. But get E_WC_03

I am doing an integration with our own custom payment form. I have followed all the steps to include the library, for both sandbox and live, however in either of them I keep getting this response after executing Accept.dispatchData(secureData, respon...

In Person SDK Java based Web Application

Hello, We have a Java Spring based E-Commerce Web App that interfaces with Authorize.NET payment SDK for payments. We are looking to support Chip cards (EMV). Looking at the SDKs that Authorize.NET offers, I see that for EMV cards there is an In-Pers...


Examples of multiple functions on the same page

I have one C# code page with all of my Authorize.Net functions on it. In each function i have to have ApiOperationBase.RunEnvironment = AuthorizeNet.Environment.SANDBOX; ApiOperationBase.MerchantAuthentication = new merchantAuthenticationType() { nam...

Mastercard ASI (Account Status Inquiry) support

Hi, Mastercard have an ASI (Account Status Inquiry) service which is useful for verifying card details without submitting transactions. Do any of the Authorize.NET APIs support Mastercard ASI functionality or does Authorize.NET integrate with Masterc...

Error Code: 38

Error Code: 38Error message: The Global Payment System identification numbers are incorrect. Call Merchant Service Provider. What should I do?


ANET Hosted Form PaymentProfile cannot be sent with billing data. Solved

Using HOSTED PAYMENT FORM against the Production's environment we're receiving the following exception: PaymentProfile cannot be sent with billing data. This was working without hiccups against the sandbox. Which could be the source of the issue. We'...


Re: Include ACH in Accept.Js

Hi I'm having issues using this with creating customer payment profiles?I always receive a response back from authorize saying that I need to provide a credit card number and an expiry date even though the encrypted opaque data is all banking informa...


Hosted Payment Form and New Customer Profile

Is there a way to add a customer profile associated with our internal customer id (merchantid on your side) at the moment that the hosted payment form is susccessfully processed ? I know we can pass billing and shipping address to that form so the en...


createCustomerPaymentProfileRequest bankData using AcceptJS

Hello, I'm trying to create a customer payment profile using the encrypted data (opaque data) returned from acceptjs. The response message i'm getting is saying that i require card data?? REQUEST WITH BANK OPAQUE DATA:{"customerProfileId": "181386334...

Hiding Fields in the new Accept Hosted Mobile Optimized Forms

Hello Community. We have recently implemented the new Accept hosted mobile optimized forms and we wanted to know if anyone has any success in hiding some of the following fields:- City- State- Country- Phone Please let us know if this i...

Missing property in PHP API

I am implementing a periodic check on the subscription statuses for our recurring billing customers. In the API documentation for GetSubscription there is an "includeTransactions" property that is defined as a Boolean. If set to true it should return...

subcription transaction declined but subscription still active Solved

I sent the following to support in the middle of last week, and have not yet seen a response. So I thought I'd try here. I have searched these forums directly and also done google searches, and I have not seen a solution to what we are trying to acco...

Lookup for Per Transaction Fee/Flat Transaction Fee

This question has been asked here a few times already but just wanted to ask it again to know if there are any updates to this one. Is there a lookup in the API for any method that pulls the fixed per flat transaction fee using the transaction ID i.e...


ARB payment decline/expiration notifications

Hi, Years ago when I started integrating with Authorize.Net there was no programmatic hook into being notified when a recurring payment was declined due to not enough funds or the card has expired. There were just email notifications and the silent p...


Customer profiles created automatically by subscriptions Solved

I've been using Payment Transactions and Recurring Billing for a while now but I'd like to start making use of Customer Profiles. When I log into my Authorize.Net account, I can see that customer profiles have been created automatically by the subscr...


Getting Profile Information from ARBCreateSubscription Response Solved

Hi,I'm invoking ARBCreateSubscription API from my microservice. I've referred API reference. I need to process the Profile informations(such as "customerProfileId" , "customerPaymentProfileId", "customerAddressId") from ARBCreateSubscription response...


Single Character First and Last Name Transaction gets approved!

Hello All, I have an interesting problem on a live production site which for privacy reasons I can not name. For the past few weeks, we are seeing a user with the following credentials who is getting their transactions approved: First Name: cLast Nam...


An error occurred while processing your request

We use CIM API methods to process transactions from our Magento site.Yesterday, after a customer profile id and an associated payment profile id were created, our application went out to create a CIM transaction request. However, we rec...

Importing Billing Information to

Hello, we currently have a subscription based service and our servers link up wtih via API. When we process billing on our server Mon-Friday, our system sends the batch to, who then sends it off to the processor. We are wa...

Why invoice number is not unique?

Hi, As per the information given in the link, invoice number is a unique identification value assigned to a transaction by a merchant.If customer pays amount through hosted page and that transaction gets declined then customer can pay through another...

Webhooks + ARB Declines Locked

Over the last week or so I have begun developing a transaction reporting system for a digital accounting system, and have noticed some oddities or gaps in the webhooks regarding ARB transactions that get declined. At first, and after reviewing a few ...

Duplicate transaction issue

Hello,We receive the error "A duplicate transaction has been submitted." on trying to create a customer profile using createCustomerProfileRequestThis happens when our customers have a credit card declined for AVS missmatch, but they try again in the...