When the Add a New Payment Method form is displayed, via AuthorizeNetPopup.openAddPaymentPopup(), all fields are initially blank. Our site has already collected some information in the Billing Information section and we'd rather not burden the customer with entering it again; is there a way to pass information in to pre-fill fields on the form?
10-20-2011 10:24 AM
People have asked about this before, and as far as I know, the answer is no. The whole point of hosted CIM is to keep all the data management off your site, and passing data to it would sort of defeat its purpose.
That having been said, it might be possible to use regular CIM to create all the profiles up front, then use hosted CIM to manage them from then on. As long as generating the profiles to transfer your system to Authorize.net is a one-time thing, you wouldn't have to worry about ongoing security.
10-20-2011 03:35 PM
We're just talking about pre-populating from a shipping address. It doesn't default the point at all, just makes it easier for users.
Really, it's 2014 and this form doesn't have a way to pre-populate an address?
05-02-2014 02:18 AM